Human artifacts and remains related to the Flood
All over the world, human remains and artifacts have been located in the process of mining, quarrying, road building, excavation or exposed by natural erosion.
Nampa Image (Left)
An Image from Nampa, Idaho area was brought to the surface in a well drilling operation in 1889. The stone doll came from the 300-foot level of a well boring. “The record of the well shows that in reaching the stratum from which the image was brought up they had penetrated first about fifty feet of soil, then about fifteen feet of basalt, and afterwards passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand down to a depth of about three hundred feet, when the sand pump began to bring up numerous clay balls, some of them more than two inches in diameter, densely coated with iron oxide." According to the United States Geological Survey the age of this strata "Plio-Pleistocene” of 2 million years ago using non-catastrophic measurements. It should be noted that the well log shows the image was found a bed of sand and far below a 15 foot lava layer of the Columbia basalts. These cover over 60,000 square miles of the Northwestern United States to a thickness measured in miles, which suggest they were laid down during the flood period. In this find we have evidence that a civilization existed before the catastrophe that covered the idol, confounding current Geological and Archeological origin's models but fully support a Biblical one. For over 150 years artifacts and the remains of fully modern human beings have been discovered in rocks of the earth. When such items are found and presented to authorities, these "authorities" (the general public thinks scientific and objective), the artifacts and/or remains are immediately rejected out of hand, deemed invalid due to their wrong placement in the preconceived picture of evolution based archaeology, geology and other related sciences. As these adhere to the same evolution model, a model that assumes man evolved from apes some hundreds of thousands of years ago and they much further, any evidence found to the contrary is ignored and tossed aside. A common example we will soon document is that articles and even human remains that are found in coal. As coal is considered quite old in the evolutionary scale of things, (often more than 200 million years), any such finding should controvert the entire premise of human evolution by huge epochs of time. Here I have included in a plethora of evidence in support the Flood account. As such, if the Flood (in strict adherence to the Biblical account) occurred, we should be able to enter the fields of Archaeology, Paleontology and Geology and find this obvious evidence.
Wright, Frederick, G. American Antiquarian 11:379-381 1889 and Scientific American, Nov. 9, 1889.
All over the world, human remains and artifacts have been located in the process of mining, quarrying, road building, excavation or exposed by natural erosion.
Nampa Image (Left)
An Image from Nampa, Idaho area was brought to the surface in a well drilling operation in 1889. The stone doll came from the 300-foot level of a well boring. “The record of the well shows that in reaching the stratum from which the image was brought up they had penetrated first about fifty feet of soil, then about fifteen feet of basalt, and afterwards passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand down to a depth of about three hundred feet, when the sand pump began to bring up numerous clay balls, some of them more than two inches in diameter, densely coated with iron oxide." According to the United States Geological Survey the age of this strata "Plio-Pleistocene” of 2 million years ago using non-catastrophic measurements. It should be noted that the well log shows the image was found a bed of sand and far below a 15 foot lava layer of the Columbia basalts. These cover over 60,000 square miles of the Northwestern United States to a thickness measured in miles, which suggest they were laid down during the flood period. In this find we have evidence that a civilization existed before the catastrophe that covered the idol, confounding current Geological and Archeological origin's models but fully support a Biblical one. For over 150 years artifacts and the remains of fully modern human beings have been discovered in rocks of the earth. When such items are found and presented to authorities, these "authorities" (the general public thinks scientific and objective), the artifacts and/or remains are immediately rejected out of hand, deemed invalid due to their wrong placement in the preconceived picture of evolution based archaeology, geology and other related sciences. As these adhere to the same evolution model, a model that assumes man evolved from apes some hundreds of thousands of years ago and they much further, any evidence found to the contrary is ignored and tossed aside. A common example we will soon document is that articles and even human remains that are found in coal. As coal is considered quite old in the evolutionary scale of things, (often more than 200 million years), any such finding should controvert the entire premise of human evolution by huge epochs of time. Here I have included in a plethora of evidence in support the Flood account. As such, if the Flood (in strict adherence to the Biblical account) occurred, we should be able to enter the fields of Archaeology, Paleontology and Geology and find this obvious evidence.
Wright, Frederick, G. American Antiquarian 11:379-381 1889 and Scientific American, Nov. 9, 1889.
The Great Divide of History - Pre and Post Flood Man - Europe
This section is dedicated to a number of assembled proofs from applicable fields of science and historical records, providing a solid basis in support of the Biblical narrative concerning the Flood event.
Geologist Henry Howorth was a noteworthy man of science in the late 19th century. He led a number of expeditions on the continent and also to Siberia. He was both highly trained and experienced, spending years abroad in field research. A noted member of the British Geological Society, Howorth and many of his peers maintained that in Europe and across the globe a clear and unique event horizon appeared in the fossil and geologic records, best explained by the Flood account. Their case was well documented by the hundreds of human artifacts and remains found in caves, not to mention the extinct mega-fauna with them: the great Hyena, Cave Bear, Sloth, Cave Lion, Broad fronted Bison, Wooly Rhinoceros, the Mastodon and finally the Mammoth; all swept from the face of the earth concurrently and simultaneously by rushing waters. Apart from this evidence was even more: the stupendous quantity of animal fossils at specific levels and in “fissure” deposits. These skyward facing crevasses were found full of a mixture of all types of mammals, birds and even men, exactly what one would expect to find in evidence of a Global Flood.
Closer to the evidence than we, their words are well worthy of attention, now revisited herein. Howorth was likely one of the most outspoken opponents of uniformity in his day, often referring to that "uniform pyridine as ‘Metaphysical’" being without any support of fact. He wrote profusely about the Mammoths, which he considered a key link or index animal as proof and evidence that the flood occurred. What got Howorth's attention was the mammoths once world-wide distribution and subsequent, near instant destruction. Concerning evidences for a general and world-wide deluge, his beliefs about the matter were indefatigable, based solely on findings of fact; his convictions as a scientist taking him only where the evidence pointed.
As a contemporary of many other greats of the day such as Cuvier, Buckland, de Sires, DuPont, M. de Cartailhac, M. de Mortillet, Prestwick, Falconer, Adams and others; these Howorth quoted create in powerful testimony in light of this controversy as it blazed at the time. And so we have the words of these Masters for the reader to consider, and they not without due respect and consideration in this matter, as many of their findings are timeless relating to the topic at hand, and now for the first time in many decades brought back to light.
Europe - The Great Divide
First, they uncovered a divide between two periods, that most all observed and openly documented. One, an older time identified by the findings in the caves and in the layers and Loess deposits of the world. This mostly evidenced by what they found in the caves, that of a clear event-line of human history noticed by these able investigators. The primary and direct evidence being the presence of man and the extinct beast together in the caves, both entombed in the same blocks of stone. Some attempted to explain this away, saying the bones were brought into together by man himself, this in the process of hunting and consumption, or carried by predators over eons of time, or further, brought into position by burrowing animals. But as the reader will soon notice, these flimsy explanations soon failed in evidence and were demolished one by one. Secondly, they found evidence of a new and more sophisticated man, one that came on the scene abruptly and unrelated to the first, this in the layers above the former, a fact cementing the Flood account in the minds of many.
Without further explanation or commentary, let us venture into the words of the men themselves and the reader decide. First, we will have Henry H. Howorth in his encyclopedic volume The Mammoth and the Flood, published in 1887. Howorth was a well recognized and careful naturalist with many years of field experience, he tells us: "At all points, therefore, the evidence is complete that man and his companions in the Mammoth-age differed completely from man in the succeeding period; differed in habits, in tastes, in art, and in the animals which were his companions. This difference is everywhere acknowledged... What is much more important is the startling fact that the two sets of men, their remains, and their animal companions, are sharply and definitely separated by a complete gap. There is nowhere on record a well-certified instance in either the Europasian or the Mediterranean region in which the remains have been found mixed. Upon this subject there is a concurrence of opinion among the best judges.”
“The summary of the combined archeological and fossil evidence of both man and beast is clear, a watery catastrophe wiped both off the face of the earth later replaced by a gentler group of inhabitants bringing domestication, agriculture and art with them, absent the mega-fauna such as the mammoths and super sized predators, cave bear, hyena and others." Howorth goes on concerning the Human-Mammoth epoch, now quoting these “judges.” "Dr. Garrigou says emphatically that in the 252 caverns which he explored, he always found these two periods [referring to pre and post flood], were always strata-graphically separated; the palaeolithic objects [early stone age] were always found with the old fauna and the Neolithic ones [modern stone age] with the more recent one.”[1]
Quoting M. de Cartailhac (a well known French archeologist and geologist): "In the south and south-west of France, the abyss which separates the age of chipped from that of polished stone is well marked. The caverns, and possibly the country itself, were temporarily deprived of inhabitants. The new people were a pastoral race. There is no analogy, no point of contact between them and their predecessors... It was they (i.e. the Neolithic people) who for the first time introduced pottery."[2]
Another recognized French naturalist, M. de Mortillet (Louis Laurent Gabriel de Mortillet August 29, 1821 – September 25, 1898), a museum director in France, wrote extensively on the interpretation of the fossil record, promoting a chronology of earth natural history based on four divisions. His primary work Le Prehistorique, (1883) comments on this gap: "that between the Magdalenian (Pleistocene) and the Robenhausen (Neolithic) there is a wide and profound lacuna, a great hiatus, a complete transformation. With the former age disappear the quaternary animals, the great bear, Mammoth, the megaceros; with it migrated northwards the reindeer, glutton, and musk-sheep; and towards the mountains, the chamois, ibex, and marmot. With the latter there appeared not only polished stone implements, but also pottery, monuments, dolmens and menhirs, domestic animals and agriculture; a very complete change."[3] Continuing on the subject of transformation he says: "Up to now we have seen the different periods pass gradually into one another by a process of gradual development. This is no longer the case when we pass from the Magdalenian, (Miocene) the last of the geological stages, to the (Pleistocene), the first stage of the present state of things. Between these two there is a complete difference, an undoubted revolution."[4] [Emphasis mine]
M. de Mortillet maintains that in the earlier period we have a uniform type of man; in the later, one showing great diversity. In the former; a population that was in migration. In the latter; one much in stasis. "In the former, a race of hunters and fishermen, without agriculture; in the latter, agriculture well developed. In the former, no monuments and no traces of sepulture; in the latter, abundance of both." Speaking of the geologic conditions found, Mortillet states: "In many caves we have a layer of barren loam, marking the gap between the two periods."[5] "We can trace a gradual passage from neolithic times into the succeeding Bronze Age, but no such transition has yet been detected between the relics of the new and the old stone periods. The implements of the one period are never found commingled with those of the other, nor do the characteristic faunas of the two ages ever occur together in one and the same undisturbed deposit."
"The cave deposits testify to the remarkable fact that the Old Stone Age did not graduate, as it were, into the New Stone Age. The records of the latter epoch are separated very markedly from those of the former. No sooner do we pass from the uppermost deposits of Pleistocene age to the more modern accumulations, than all at once we find ourselves in quite another world. The hyenas and lions, the rhinoceroses and mammoths, have disappeared, and we are now face to face with a group of animals that we recognize as being the common indigenous European forms of our own day. Palaeolithic man has likewise vanished, and his place is supplied by races considerably farther advanced on the road to civilization. Neolithic man was not only a hunter and fisher like his predecessors, but he possessed some knowledge of agriculture, and of the arts of weaving and making pottery. His implements show more variety of design, arid are upon the whole much better finished, being frequently ground at the edges, and often smoothed and polished. He was also accompanied by domesticated animals, and in some cases occupied well-constructed houses…"
The famous Scottish Geologist and naturalist James Geikie in his volume Prehistoric Europe, (1881, also comments on the event horizon seen in these caves:"The implements of the former, i.e. neolithic period, occupy invariably a superficial position, they occur either lying loosely at the surface or embedded at no great depth, in accumulations which can be shown to be of very recent date, geologically speaking. In undisturbed cave deposits they are never commingled with the relics of the older period, but are not infrequently separated from these by sheets of stalagmite, [emphasis mine] accumulations of earth and debris, or beds of clay, silt sand, gravel, and other materials. Thus in Kent's Cave [England] we have seen that the archaic and more modern remains rested upon a bed of granular stalagmite, in and underneath which only, did Palaeolithic implements and the bones of the extinct mammalia occur. All these had been sealed up and the cave had been long abandoned before it was again tenanted by man. In the interim, many large and small blocks had fallen from the roof and accumulated upon the floor.”[6]
Commenting regarding the contents of these hundreds of caverns and sub-surface finds, Geikie continues: "Between Palaeolithic and Neolithic man there is thus a wide gulf of separation. From a state of utter savagery we pass into one of comparative civilization. When Neolithic man entered Europe, he came as an agriculturist and a herdsman, and his relics and remains occur again and again immediately above Pleistocene deposits, in which we meet with no trace of any higher or better state of human existence than that which is represented by the savages who contended with the extinct mammalian."[7] To those who embrace uniformity and reject the Flood model, such a break is very disharmonious to their theory. In the study of man, those who reject the flood account hope for a continuum and have little or no explanation for this gap. They often resort to disease, pestilence, meteor bursts, earthquakes or war, anything but a flood to explain this widely observed phenomena. Yet according to these early observers, they will find little to support such ideas, none but that of a flood of transcontinental proportions. As these authorities ranged further across Europe, they found only more of the same. When proceeding around the world, they returned home astonished; it was the same story across the planet!
Apart from man himself, we must remember that a whole fauna disappears suddenly, and is replaced as suddenly by another. Howorth tells us there is not a single instance of Mammoth or Rhinoceros found with the remains of neolithic man, [modern man] and not a single instance of domesticated animals found associated with the remains of palaeolithic or pre-flood man. James Geikie also supports this understanding: "This is a simple assumption; so much so, indeed, that I fear [Mr. Dawkins] must have made it without due consideration; for even granting that palaeolithic man was scared out of Europe by the terrible apparition of Neolithic invaders, (as has been claimed since), are we to suppose that this had the same effect upon the fauna and flora? Did the reindeer, musk-sheep, Mammoth, hyena, and cave-bear at once vanish from the scene?"[8] *
*Note: Also with these were the large wholly rhinoceros, with a skin so thick only large caliber weapons were able to penetrate its smaller cousin in Africa, forcing a new class of rifles to be developed once Europeans came there to hunt. To deal with these animals, the 4" long .375 caliber Holland & Holland round was developed, now the legal minimum caliber allowed to hunt these monsters, monsters that were dwarfed by the extinct versions, these supposedly "slaughtered" by man with spears according to the modernists.
Axes and Implements found deeply buried in European sediments
Tools and implements of the early populous of Europe have been found deeply buried and scattered in the gravels of Europe, suggestive that their owners perished with them by flood waters. The early researchers comment extensively on these important artifacts, often in the face of suborn criticism from those who insisted on a local flood; such explained as water sourced from receding glaciers, a mistaken theme that caught on in America later on. It became apparent that no amount of evidence would sway them, enjoying their new cosmology of earth separated from the biblical account, always and ever ready to reject the Flood. Truthfully, their new pyridine was not new at all, but that of the Greek philosophers of past times, recently resurrected. We now know the real goal of the uniformist's was to detach themselves from the Church and Bible in specific, clearing the way for a new philosophy to drive science.
Howorth rejoins the debate in his energetic and straightforward style, seemingly exasperated by the stubbornness of his peers; they now explaining this deposition of "axes" done accidentally they implored, by dropping their tools over the sides of boats while fishing! Howorth continues:“Many of the axes, it has been remarked, do not lie on their sides, but are found as it were hanging in the beds [suspended] and resting on their edges in a way only compatible with their having been dropped out of water. The same conclusion seems deducible from the regular distribution of the flint implements in the gravels of the Somme, &c[PH1] . These implements are there scattered…through the lower beds of the gravel, and the view which this fact has suggested to the champions of uniformity is that they were dropped out of their boats when fishing by the palaeolithic folk. This notion is surely most original.”
“That palaeolithic [pre-flood] man, should deliberately sow flint tools out of his boats in such profusion, and with such a catholic regard to universal distribution, is certainly either a fresh proof of the unsophisticated character of early life, or of the naive and unsophisticated ingenuousness of the champions of uniformity…that the beds in which the stone implements occur are found in situations where no river flows, and where no river that we can postulate as possible ever could have flowed. The white patina which covers the axes when it attains a certain thickness invariably proves that they have been exposed for a long time to the air. [Author note: a condition showing they had been in use for a time before burial.] Thus, those which we find in the gravels covered with this [ageing evidence] were already old when buried. That is to say, were not dropped about at haphazard by fishermen, but were swept away very often from the surface of the land by the torrent, which deposited them where they are found." (Author note: Often documented at eight, nine, or even twelve meters of gravels, these are axe heads, unlikely to have migrated there by their own weight.)
Howorth continues: "How can anyone seriously point to a complete, absolute, and sudden gap as a proof of a vast, unbroken, and continuous period of time having elapsed between one state of things and the other. There is literally no relevance of any kind between the facts and the inference. The logical hiatus is as complete as is the physical one. A change progressing over a long period might be expected to show continued proofs of change, but not a complete gap. A gap means a break in the continuity — a break in the uniformity of the evidence; and those like ourselves who believe in empirical methods, believe further - that a gap in the evidence, unless accounted for very clearly, means a substantial gap in the facts themselves. To me, nothing can be plainer than that the complete and sharply defined disappearance of a type of man with a distinct fauna and flora, and its being replaced by an equally sharply defined new type of man, with a new and distinct fauna and flora, means the sudden, the widespread, and complete destruction of the one, and an entirely separate and distinct new beginning caused by the old desolated district being reoccupied by a fresh migration."
Then Howorth expands the options: "That it means, in fact, some cataclysm such as I have argued for on so long, and which is supported by an ever-increasing and ever-converging array of facts. I do not know anything else in nature competent in the first place to destroy human life over a wide area without obliterating or injuring the remains, and at the same time competent to entomb them in continuous masses of loam or gravel. The mode in which the implements occur is equally suggestive with the mode of occurrence of the human bones. I believe that the same potent cause which swept away the Mammoth and the rhinoceros, the cave-bear and the hyena from Europe, also swept away palaeolithic man, and that this cause was as sudden as it was widespread. It seems to me that the human skeletons and bones which occur un-weathered in precisely the same condition as those of the wild animals which accompany them, must point precisely the same moral."
Human finds Emerge
"Like those of the extinct animals, the human bones are buried deeply in undisturbed loess, &c[PH2] . There is no pretense for saying that the human skeletons which have been hitherto found and which were for the most part disintegrated and scattered, were buried artificially. The ground where they have occurred is undisturbed ground, and it does not seem arguable therefore that the remains of man, anymore than the remains of the accompanying extinct animals, were artificially buried. If not artificially buried by his companions, I cannot understand how his remains, un-weathered and fresh, should have been overlain by great depths of loam and loess in situations far above the level of the rivers and their overflow, and in districts where such overflow, even when it occurs, only deposits layers of loam the thickness of brown paper at the most, except as I argued in the case of the extinct animals, by the operation of a great flood of waters.”
Agreement on a new "Gentile Race" The most important geologists, archeologists and zoologists of the day largely concur that an event of global proportions wiped out one form of man and animal; then quite as rapidly, was subsequently replaced by another, more gentile race. A race that focused on agriculture and domestication, art and permanent places to dwell. Further, one accompanied by the wildlife and domestic animals of the present day!
These observations seem a perfect image of none other than the descendants of Noah and family! Now consider three things basic to their lifestyle a) that of building the ark, b) the cultivation of crops and c) engaging in the science of animal domestication! Now considering the reports that these "new" inhabitants made a "sudden" appearance, a fact so obvious that the majority of these naturalists found consensus in their observations of this fantastic change of heart and lifestyle! The summary being nothing less than amazing proof that the biblical account is fully aligned with true archaeology, devastating to secular explanations. And quote: "by operation of a great flood of waters!"
North American Early Man
Now we shall cross the Atlantic and visit the evidences found in our native land, North America, searching the layers for an event horizon such as found in Europe in this hemisphere. The question is posted, did man meet the same demise in America as that found in Europe? The answer may only be found in the rocks.
It's a well know fact that evidence of man in early existence is found all across the continent. The challenge being; how to identify his remains as modern or ancient, pre-flood or post? Unlike Europe, where a unique event horizon was obvious, (this so well documented among so many expert and prominent investigators) here in America, finding such a clear line was more difficult. This may be explained from a developmental standpoint. Due to the fact that this hemisphere was inhabited much later than the continent of the arcs settlement. Further, the anti-flood sentiment was more prevalent in later years, when the "new geology" had taken early hold. In America, the artifacts and remains of both the superficial strata and those at depth had little association with domestic animals; where in Europe as pointed out, this evidence help provide a more precise dividing line between old and new. Yet as we shall learn shortly, the sheer depth and type of the artifacts of early man formed an horizon, the remains often buried in tons of water deposited gravels, consisting of both large and small boulders. Yet at these depths where no implements should be, implements unrelated to the new were found, and found in abundance. Further (the same as in Europe), these remains and implements were also found in association with the extinct mega-fauna, including our index fossil of the flood, the Mammoth.
Common to the European and American sites, we find the presence of man and the extinct quadrupeds; those of the sloth, mammoth, mastodon, camel, large predators and the horse, now vanished and encased in solid rock; the same flood deposited sediments of Europe. Looking again to the words of those closer to the evidence, we have these accounts for the reader to consider. Fortunately for us, these documents came at a time when such thought could be published openly without worry of snubbing, transfer or loss of employment; as is the case today.
Lyell and the Bias
Charles Lyell first visited this country in 1850, and came into experience witnessing with his own eyes, (to his consternation) the recovery of human remains 30 feet below the surface in association with extinct animals, just as in hundred's of locations in Europe! This discovery occurred in the process in retrieving the bones of several extinct species on the Mississippi, near Natchez. According to local authorities, a river bank there had uplifted during the earthquakes of 1811-12, (detailed earlier in this volume) exposing a fresh loess cliff with the bones. The recovery of the human remains being found below, but in association with the great Bison, Mastodon, Megalonyx, and extinct horses.
Speaking of the discovery, Lyell records: "It appeared to be the bone of a man, in the same state of preservation, and was of the same dark color as the other fossils, and was believed to have come like them from a depth of about thirty feet from the surface."[9] Lyell goes on to urge that until other like specimens could be found, this case must be overlooked. He goes on to rationalize the site is possibly that of a native graveyard. At this juncture it's worthwhile to quote the presiding witness who made the discovery in the first place, a Dr. Dickeson, documenting this find in contradiction to Lyell's comments. Dickeson stated the human remains were taken from a uniform and undisturbed bed of blue clay, two feet below the skeletons of the megalonyx (Mastodon) and other extinct quadrupeds. He tells us:"The bone is that of a young man of about sixteen years of age, as determined by its size and form. That this bone is strictly in the fossil state, is manifest from its physical characters, in which it accords in every respect of color, density, with those of the megalonyx and other associated bones. That it could not have been drifted into the position in which it was found is manifest from several facts: 1) That the plateau of blue clay is not appreciably acted upon by those causes that produce ravines in the superincum bent diluvium, 2) That the human bone was found at least two feet below three associated skeletons of the megalonyx, all of which, judging from the apposition or proximity of their several parts, had been deposited in this locality. And lastly, because there was no admixture of diluvial drift with the blue clay, which latter retains its homogeneous character equally in the higher part that furnished be extinct quadrupeds, and in its lower part that contained the remains of man."
And so the contest continues, one so biased it refuses to believe what's held in their hands and seen with their own eyes, and another who simply tells it like it is. The implication that this bone was part of a grave site is summarily rejected by the fact that it was found beneath the mega-fauna in a uniform deposition, these being coursework 101 of paleontology and geology, but not the least considered by Lyell. He makes no mention of the distinct location being 2 feet beneath the other fossils in his volume, this in hope the two accounts should pass; "nay the twain shall ever meet," so to speak. So had the mindset of this dedicated uniformist become to the obvious, if it fails to fit the preconceived model, cast such into the grey, create a fog surrounding it, pose questions and make it suspect. (Lyell, a lawyer first by trade.) Now, if this find supported Lyell's opinion of origins and the reverse was indicated, we can be sure this discovery would have been shouted from the rooftops, his visit to America a success for "science," no less than of the Beagle and Darwin decades before! The author will make this assertion: the last thing Lyell wanted to find was more of same as in the Old Country, that is, more evidence of a Flood! Lyell's bias was exposed years later in his personal letters, his primary object found out, that is, eject the Bible from the classrooms of science at any cost, all the while appearing objective and wholly scientific. In that he did well, even compared to the floating of axe heads in the European finds.
Niagara Falls and "Principals of Geology"
Lyell, a lawyer first by trade; was a master of convincing language, this evident in his many works. Darwin took his Principles of Geology on the Beagle voyage, which argued the concept of slow and gradual geological processes occurring over millions of years. Even modern evolutionists acknowledge that Lyell was biased and driven by anti-biblical presuppositions. The late Stephen J. Gould commented about this issue, that of Lyell in his perfect act in the portrayal of the objective scientist: "Lyell relied upon true bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish. In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell. The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see. The catastrophists were the hard-nosed empiricists of their day, not the blinded theological apologists.”[10] One infamous example of Lyell's bias was his account of the rate of erosion of Niagara Falls, publishing a figure to suit his purpose. The commonly known erosion rate of the Niagara at the time of his visit there was known to be between 3 and 5 feet/year. (One period averaged 18 feet/year).[11] Lyell somehow arrived at the far reduced rate of one foot or 0.3 meters/year, and published such in his popular books. Since the gorge was 35,000 feet long, he intentionally helped people extrapolate (using his cooked data) that the gorge must certainly be 35,000 years old!
This estimate accomplished Lyell's ultimate goal of discovery in America; he then sailing back to England with this great discovery to share with the masses of Europe, being the persuasive lawyer that he was, further undermining the biblical chronology to the deception of thousands of trusting students. Later analysis of the Falls from 1842 to 1927 confirmed a higher rate of erosion, that of four to five feet per year. This rate placing an upper limit of 7,000 to 9,000 years for the gorge; we now knowing the average erosion factor is even higher, the calculated age agreeing with the ice cover of about 3,800 years ago, this in agreement with the post-Flood Ice Age. That Lyell's writings influenced Darwin is a well known fact; Darwin eventually linking uniformities slow and gradual geological processes with his supposed biological processes, in the end giving us Darwinian Evolution.
The North American Great Divide and Early Man
When archeologists ventured across the American expanses in search of early man in the early 1900's and forward, the concept of a global flood had been largely dissected out of most science texts. This thanks to the efforts of the new professors (as in Europe), who were disinterested in making bedmates with theologians, often rejecting the Bible outright as any sort of reliable guide. There were exceptions, one was Sir J. William Dawson (October 13, 1820 – November 19, 1899), past President of the Canadian Royal Society of Canada and noted geologist, who writes: “Further, we know now that the Deluge of Noah is not a mere myth or fancy of primitive man or solely a doctrine of the Hebrew Scriptures. The record of the catastrophe is preserved in some of the oldest historical documents of several distinct races of men, and is indirectly corroborated by the whole tenor of the early history of most of the civilized races. As to the actual occurrence of the Deluge as a widespread catastrophe affecting, with a few stated exceptions, the whole human race, we have thus a concurrence of the testimony of ancient history and tradition, and of geological and archaeological evidence, as well as of the inspired records of the Hebrew and Christian revelation. Thus no historical event, ancient or modern, can be more firmly established as matter of fact than this.”[12]
Other detractors to uniformity included Benjamin Silliman of Yale, J.D. Whitney and James Dana of Harvard, but alas, their voices succumbed to popular pressures in the years succeeding their passing. As an option to the Flood, a new explanation was needed to explain the deeply flood covered bones, and artifacts, they electing the work of Glaciers to accomplish this and many other feats. These were responsible they claimed, for all the gravel burials of every man, animal and vegetable in North America, capable of drowning stampeding herds of Mammoths! (And as we will document later, the same such actions explaining deep human burials in Texas and Louisiana!)
Thus, a new system of explanation was developed to classify and index all such finds, glaciers and their melting becoming the central theme of much geologic work, too much. Interesting and in contradiction was the general and obvious isolation of two epochs found in the layers, exactly as that found in Europe. The deeper acknowledged as the eon associated with the extinct species; e.g. the broad front Bison, the Sloth, the Mastodon and of course, the ever present Mammoth and smaller cousin Mastodon, found buried catastrophically under thousands of tons of water deposited gravels, these as far as Texas, quite a way from any glacier! To deal with these problems, new definitions were assigned to cover over the obvious.
The Thermal Changes: First, it was acknowledged that there was an earlier moist and warmer period; this designated the "Altithermal Period." Here was, archaeologists agreed, a period called the "Thermal Maximum" said to begin some 7,000-7,500 hundred years ago, suggesting the exact conditions the Bible mentions were present in the First Earth! Next, they admitted to a cooler period that followed the former, defined the "Medithermal Age," which is suggested begin some 4,000 years past; right on target with the Biblical Flood![13]
Chapter VI
Human Artifacts in North America potentially related to the Flood
Ancient American Man, Soda Bar, Trenton, and the Nampa Image
In further study of the evidence relating to the race of people who occupied America before the flood; we now come to a series of artifacts that are unexplained by the concept of great ages, glaciers and uniformity.
The Soda Bar Find
Soon after Lyell's visit to America, miners discovered human remains twenty-two feet below the surface in the Soda Bar gold mines in 1860.* The skeleton was found lying facedown about 22 feet below among gravel and boulders in the rocky deposits at Soda Bar, high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Still intact were the larger bones and skull, found to be fully modern. Witnessing the find, Mr. L. Berthond, reported to the Academy of Science at Philadelphia, Vol. 18 1866: [it]"was a point conclusively shown, namely, that prior to the cause which covered Soda Hill, Soda Bar, and Dry Diggings Hill with its enormous beds of gravel, sand and boulders, and its native gold, man roved and dwelt in this region."[xiv] Along with the bones a pine tree was found two feet below beneath in what was called "red rock". The tree observed had its bark charred and disintegrated upon contact with the air. It would not be a stretch to surmise the tree was exposed to tremendous heat, then covered by sediments carried by moving water, nor to guess that the body was deposited then covered by the water transported gravel and boulders. Another important find left out of the modern literature. *Berthond concluded: "We confess that our preconceived notions of the antiquity of this Globe have received a severe shock by this discovery, and have modified our views as to the antiquity of the strata in this part of the Globe in this part of the continent…"
The Trenton Event Horizon
A decade after the Soda Bar finds, we move to the Trenton Gravels of New Jersey, the site of an number of significant discoveries including artifacts, tools and deeply buried skeletons. For the first time, a clear distinction was made in reference to older Palaeolithic tools of early man and those of Neolithic man of modern habitation. The event horizon.
First brought to light by Dr. Charles C. Abbott of New Jersey, (author of Primitive Industry, a study of artifacts from the America Northeast coast, 1881) also a member Boston Society of Natural History, Fellow Royal Society of Antiquaries of the North Copenhagen and other professional associations. Abbott’s work seems definitive. Lewis of the American Survey Office, a witness to these finds and of Abbotts work in general, goes on to tell us about the artifacts themselves: "that in their shape and character they are quite unlike those of the [current Native Americans] of the Atlantic coast. He has found them embedded at various depths in the apparently undisturbed gravel of the cliff at Riverview Cemetery, and in other places near Trenton. They are of palaeolithic type, and differ from Indian stone implements by being larger, ruder, and made from a different material. They are composed of grey argillite, a rock which is found in places farther up the river…They occur in positions which render it extremely probable that they belong to the same age as that of the deposition of the gravel, or at least to an age when it was overflowed by a flooded river."
Quoting Abbott: "There are two points which offer strong evidence in that direction. The first is the fact that modern Indian implements, neoliths, are never found associated with these palaeoliths in the gravel. Although abundant at the surface, it is stated that they never occur at a depth of more than a few inches in the undisturbed soil, while the palaeoliths are found often ten or more feet from the surface. This fact alone argues a different age for the two classes of implements. The second fact is that when found below the surface of the ground these palaeoliths always occur in the Trenton gravel and never in the older gravels. All the evidence that has been gathered points to the conclusion that at the time of the Trenton gravel flood, man in a rude state lived upon the banks of the ancient Delaware. Many of the palaeoliths found in the river gravels of Europe are of similar type. As a rule, probably the implements of the Trenton gravel are somewhat more rude."[xv] The narrative in Dr. Abbot's volume (quoted below) continues, adding that geologically, the Trenton gravels cover a large uniform area extending all the way to the coast and basically involve the southern half of New Jersey. He also differs that these gravels had a glacial origin, an explanation often evoked to deter students from considering such a result of the Great Flood. This mistaken theme has continued to this day.
Again we have Dr. Abbott in his volume Abbott's Primitive Industry, describing now the discovery of a human jawbone in the Trenton Gravels. He provides several important remarks in overview for the reader: "These gravels are, so far as we can make out, exactly on the same horizon as the implement-bearing gravels of Europe, and bear just the same relation to the so-called glacial beds. In them were found similar remains of extinct animals. Remains of the bison have also occurred there.”
Abbott summarizes: "The conclusion that the Indians were preceded by another people is based upon the fact that it is not practicable to trace any connection between the characteristic chipped palaeolithic implements and the polished, pecked and finely wrought objects of Indian origin: the one form certainly not having any necessary connection with the other. The wide gap that exists between a full series of each of the two forms is readily recognized when the two are brought together, and no one will hesitate to acknowledge it...The fact that the implements were deposited with the gravel is shown, not only by the undisturbed character of the latter, but also in that they have been found under the great boulders which pervade the gravel.” [Emphasis mine] Abbott refers to one weighing 100 lbs. and a second boulder, of much larger size, located five feet above the first, twenty-one feet below the surface and both in contact. He adds, "The character of the mass, which was that of the bluff on the bank of the river near Trenton, was such as to render it impossible that this specimen could have reached this position subsequently to the deposition of the containing bed." The relics are isolated, in that the cause which buried both boulders and implements was earlier than the appearance of Neolithic man, is shown by the fact that no relics of the latter are found with the old implements.
Abbott then speaks directly to the issue, "It is here strenuously maintained that the forces that caught up these later gravels also gathered in fact the rude implements that now give such interest to the deposit. It is evident, from the condition of some and the depth at which many are found, that they were made prior to the foundation of the containing bed, and were lost or discarded when the floods swept down the valley…These implements are indicative of man's presence, and have been placed in their present positions, varying from three to forty feet in depth, by the same agency that laid down the gravels…Every geologist who has written about these gravels has, so far as I know, invoked the agency of immense floods of water to account for them, most of them adding a corollary to which I completely demur, that the flood of water proceeded from a melting glacier." [xvi]
"The conclusion that the Indians were preceded by another people is based upon the fact that it is not practicable to trace any connection between the characteristic chipped palaeolithic implements and the polished, pecked and finely wrought objects of Native origin; the one form certainly not having any necessary connection with the other. The wide gap that exists between a full series of each of the two forms is readily recognized, when the two are brought together [side by side], no one will hesitate to acknowledge it. It becomes evident to those who carefully examine the several forms from the two positions, that they are as widely separated as the fossils of different geological formations." By rejecting the glacial flood explanation and embracing the European connection, Abbot is leaving the reader with but one alternative, that of a world wide flood explaining the deep burial of these artifacts.
The Great Divide in New Mexico
At the Sandra Cave in the Las Huertas Canyon, New Mexico, were found a variety of man-made implements together with the fossil remains of such animals as the horse, camel, Bison, Mammoth, Ground Sloth, and Wolf. The cave was initially discovered by treasure hunters on the lower slope of Bishops Cap, the principal a Mr. Roscoe Conkling of El Paso, TX. Intrigued by its soft floor, a party was formed and returned to the site along with an expert witness. Excavations commenced in the presence of a recognized authority Mr. William Bryan; invited to be on hand to witness any potential fossils of importance and to verify the geological sequence of the excavation. Digging down through the layers, bones of animals now extinct began to be exposed and removed. To the shock of all present, suddenly a human skull cap appeared at the 12 foot level. Further down the water deposited sediment layers, a hard sandstone lens was encountered. When this layer was broken through another skull was found, along with remains of other animals including a camel at nearly 21 feet in depth. Several archeologists commented that this finding was of national significance, but for one reason or another; Bryan's impressive report* never made it into the textbooks or literature and was sidelined into obscurity.
*Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929 New Mexico[xvii]
[1] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Compte Rendu, Int. Cong, of Arch. Bologna, 96.
[2] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Id. Brussels, 452, 453.
[3] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Id. Brussels, p. 441
[4] Gabriel de Mortillet Le Prehistorique, C. REINWALD, 1882 479, 480
[5] Gabriel de Mortillet Le Prehistorique, C. REINWALD, 1882481- 482.
[6] Geikie, Prehistoric Europe, 23. 24, 118—120
[7] ibid. 6. P. 379.
[8] ibid. 6 p. 647, 548, 252
[9] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 238.
[10] S.J. Gould, Natural History, p. 16, February 1975. (cited from
[11] Philbrick, S. S., What future for Niagara Falls? Geological Society of America Bulletin, 85:91–98, 1974.
[12] Sir John William Dawson, The Historical Deluge in Relation to Scientific Discovery, p. 4.
[13] Wormington, Hannah M. Ancient Man in North America, Denver Museum. of Nat'l History Press 1957 p. 20
[xiv] Cited from Mammoth, Howorth. Proceedings, Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1866, 344, 345.
[xv] Cited from Mammoth, Howorth 1887, the Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1880, 306, 307.
[xvi] Abbot, Charles C. Abbott's Primitive Industry, George A. Bates Pub.1881 p. 512. Id. 506 Id. 477 Id. 477, 479, 480.
[xvii] Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929
This section is dedicated to a number of assembled proofs from applicable fields of science and historical records, providing a solid basis in support of the Biblical narrative concerning the Flood event.
Geologist Henry Howorth was a noteworthy man of science in the late 19th century. He led a number of expeditions on the continent and also to Siberia. He was both highly trained and experienced, spending years abroad in field research. A noted member of the British Geological Society, Howorth and many of his peers maintained that in Europe and across the globe a clear and unique event horizon appeared in the fossil and geologic records, best explained by the Flood account. Their case was well documented by the hundreds of human artifacts and remains found in caves, not to mention the extinct mega-fauna with them: the great Hyena, Cave Bear, Sloth, Cave Lion, Broad fronted Bison, Wooly Rhinoceros, the Mastodon and finally the Mammoth; all swept from the face of the earth concurrently and simultaneously by rushing waters. Apart from this evidence was even more: the stupendous quantity of animal fossils at specific levels and in “fissure” deposits. These skyward facing crevasses were found full of a mixture of all types of mammals, birds and even men, exactly what one would expect to find in evidence of a Global Flood.
Closer to the evidence than we, their words are well worthy of attention, now revisited herein. Howorth was likely one of the most outspoken opponents of uniformity in his day, often referring to that "uniform pyridine as ‘Metaphysical’" being without any support of fact. He wrote profusely about the Mammoths, which he considered a key link or index animal as proof and evidence that the flood occurred. What got Howorth's attention was the mammoths once world-wide distribution and subsequent, near instant destruction. Concerning evidences for a general and world-wide deluge, his beliefs about the matter were indefatigable, based solely on findings of fact; his convictions as a scientist taking him only where the evidence pointed.
As a contemporary of many other greats of the day such as Cuvier, Buckland, de Sires, DuPont, M. de Cartailhac, M. de Mortillet, Prestwick, Falconer, Adams and others; these Howorth quoted create in powerful testimony in light of this controversy as it blazed at the time. And so we have the words of these Masters for the reader to consider, and they not without due respect and consideration in this matter, as many of their findings are timeless relating to the topic at hand, and now for the first time in many decades brought back to light.
Europe - The Great Divide
First, they uncovered a divide between two periods, that most all observed and openly documented. One, an older time identified by the findings in the caves and in the layers and Loess deposits of the world. This mostly evidenced by what they found in the caves, that of a clear event-line of human history noticed by these able investigators. The primary and direct evidence being the presence of man and the extinct beast together in the caves, both entombed in the same blocks of stone. Some attempted to explain this away, saying the bones were brought into together by man himself, this in the process of hunting and consumption, or carried by predators over eons of time, or further, brought into position by burrowing animals. But as the reader will soon notice, these flimsy explanations soon failed in evidence and were demolished one by one. Secondly, they found evidence of a new and more sophisticated man, one that came on the scene abruptly and unrelated to the first, this in the layers above the former, a fact cementing the Flood account in the minds of many.
Without further explanation or commentary, let us venture into the words of the men themselves and the reader decide. First, we will have Henry H. Howorth in his encyclopedic volume The Mammoth and the Flood, published in 1887. Howorth was a well recognized and careful naturalist with many years of field experience, he tells us: "At all points, therefore, the evidence is complete that man and his companions in the Mammoth-age differed completely from man in the succeeding period; differed in habits, in tastes, in art, and in the animals which were his companions. This difference is everywhere acknowledged... What is much more important is the startling fact that the two sets of men, their remains, and their animal companions, are sharply and definitely separated by a complete gap. There is nowhere on record a well-certified instance in either the Europasian or the Mediterranean region in which the remains have been found mixed. Upon this subject there is a concurrence of opinion among the best judges.”
“The summary of the combined archeological and fossil evidence of both man and beast is clear, a watery catastrophe wiped both off the face of the earth later replaced by a gentler group of inhabitants bringing domestication, agriculture and art with them, absent the mega-fauna such as the mammoths and super sized predators, cave bear, hyena and others." Howorth goes on concerning the Human-Mammoth epoch, now quoting these “judges.” "Dr. Garrigou says emphatically that in the 252 caverns which he explored, he always found these two periods [referring to pre and post flood], were always strata-graphically separated; the palaeolithic objects [early stone age] were always found with the old fauna and the Neolithic ones [modern stone age] with the more recent one.”[1]
Quoting M. de Cartailhac (a well known French archeologist and geologist): "In the south and south-west of France, the abyss which separates the age of chipped from that of polished stone is well marked. The caverns, and possibly the country itself, were temporarily deprived of inhabitants. The new people were a pastoral race. There is no analogy, no point of contact between them and their predecessors... It was they (i.e. the Neolithic people) who for the first time introduced pottery."[2]
Another recognized French naturalist, M. de Mortillet (Louis Laurent Gabriel de Mortillet August 29, 1821 – September 25, 1898), a museum director in France, wrote extensively on the interpretation of the fossil record, promoting a chronology of earth natural history based on four divisions. His primary work Le Prehistorique, (1883) comments on this gap: "that between the Magdalenian (Pleistocene) and the Robenhausen (Neolithic) there is a wide and profound lacuna, a great hiatus, a complete transformation. With the former age disappear the quaternary animals, the great bear, Mammoth, the megaceros; with it migrated northwards the reindeer, glutton, and musk-sheep; and towards the mountains, the chamois, ibex, and marmot. With the latter there appeared not only polished stone implements, but also pottery, monuments, dolmens and menhirs, domestic animals and agriculture; a very complete change."[3] Continuing on the subject of transformation he says: "Up to now we have seen the different periods pass gradually into one another by a process of gradual development. This is no longer the case when we pass from the Magdalenian, (Miocene) the last of the geological stages, to the (Pleistocene), the first stage of the present state of things. Between these two there is a complete difference, an undoubted revolution."[4] [Emphasis mine]
M. de Mortillet maintains that in the earlier period we have a uniform type of man; in the later, one showing great diversity. In the former; a population that was in migration. In the latter; one much in stasis. "In the former, a race of hunters and fishermen, without agriculture; in the latter, agriculture well developed. In the former, no monuments and no traces of sepulture; in the latter, abundance of both." Speaking of the geologic conditions found, Mortillet states: "In many caves we have a layer of barren loam, marking the gap between the two periods."[5] "We can trace a gradual passage from neolithic times into the succeeding Bronze Age, but no such transition has yet been detected between the relics of the new and the old stone periods. The implements of the one period are never found commingled with those of the other, nor do the characteristic faunas of the two ages ever occur together in one and the same undisturbed deposit."
"The cave deposits testify to the remarkable fact that the Old Stone Age did not graduate, as it were, into the New Stone Age. The records of the latter epoch are separated very markedly from those of the former. No sooner do we pass from the uppermost deposits of Pleistocene age to the more modern accumulations, than all at once we find ourselves in quite another world. The hyenas and lions, the rhinoceroses and mammoths, have disappeared, and we are now face to face with a group of animals that we recognize as being the common indigenous European forms of our own day. Palaeolithic man has likewise vanished, and his place is supplied by races considerably farther advanced on the road to civilization. Neolithic man was not only a hunter and fisher like his predecessors, but he possessed some knowledge of agriculture, and of the arts of weaving and making pottery. His implements show more variety of design, arid are upon the whole much better finished, being frequently ground at the edges, and often smoothed and polished. He was also accompanied by domesticated animals, and in some cases occupied well-constructed houses…"
The famous Scottish Geologist and naturalist James Geikie in his volume Prehistoric Europe, (1881, also comments on the event horizon seen in these caves:"The implements of the former, i.e. neolithic period, occupy invariably a superficial position, they occur either lying loosely at the surface or embedded at no great depth, in accumulations which can be shown to be of very recent date, geologically speaking. In undisturbed cave deposits they are never commingled with the relics of the older period, but are not infrequently separated from these by sheets of stalagmite, [emphasis mine] accumulations of earth and debris, or beds of clay, silt sand, gravel, and other materials. Thus in Kent's Cave [England] we have seen that the archaic and more modern remains rested upon a bed of granular stalagmite, in and underneath which only, did Palaeolithic implements and the bones of the extinct mammalia occur. All these had been sealed up and the cave had been long abandoned before it was again tenanted by man. In the interim, many large and small blocks had fallen from the roof and accumulated upon the floor.”[6]
Commenting regarding the contents of these hundreds of caverns and sub-surface finds, Geikie continues: "Between Palaeolithic and Neolithic man there is thus a wide gulf of separation. From a state of utter savagery we pass into one of comparative civilization. When Neolithic man entered Europe, he came as an agriculturist and a herdsman, and his relics and remains occur again and again immediately above Pleistocene deposits, in which we meet with no trace of any higher or better state of human existence than that which is represented by the savages who contended with the extinct mammalian."[7] To those who embrace uniformity and reject the Flood model, such a break is very disharmonious to their theory. In the study of man, those who reject the flood account hope for a continuum and have little or no explanation for this gap. They often resort to disease, pestilence, meteor bursts, earthquakes or war, anything but a flood to explain this widely observed phenomena. Yet according to these early observers, they will find little to support such ideas, none but that of a flood of transcontinental proportions. As these authorities ranged further across Europe, they found only more of the same. When proceeding around the world, they returned home astonished; it was the same story across the planet!
Apart from man himself, we must remember that a whole fauna disappears suddenly, and is replaced as suddenly by another. Howorth tells us there is not a single instance of Mammoth or Rhinoceros found with the remains of neolithic man, [modern man] and not a single instance of domesticated animals found associated with the remains of palaeolithic or pre-flood man. James Geikie also supports this understanding: "This is a simple assumption; so much so, indeed, that I fear [Mr. Dawkins] must have made it without due consideration; for even granting that palaeolithic man was scared out of Europe by the terrible apparition of Neolithic invaders, (as has been claimed since), are we to suppose that this had the same effect upon the fauna and flora? Did the reindeer, musk-sheep, Mammoth, hyena, and cave-bear at once vanish from the scene?"[8] *
*Note: Also with these were the large wholly rhinoceros, with a skin so thick only large caliber weapons were able to penetrate its smaller cousin in Africa, forcing a new class of rifles to be developed once Europeans came there to hunt. To deal with these animals, the 4" long .375 caliber Holland & Holland round was developed, now the legal minimum caliber allowed to hunt these monsters, monsters that were dwarfed by the extinct versions, these supposedly "slaughtered" by man with spears according to the modernists.
Axes and Implements found deeply buried in European sediments
Tools and implements of the early populous of Europe have been found deeply buried and scattered in the gravels of Europe, suggestive that their owners perished with them by flood waters. The early researchers comment extensively on these important artifacts, often in the face of suborn criticism from those who insisted on a local flood; such explained as water sourced from receding glaciers, a mistaken theme that caught on in America later on. It became apparent that no amount of evidence would sway them, enjoying their new cosmology of earth separated from the biblical account, always and ever ready to reject the Flood. Truthfully, their new pyridine was not new at all, but that of the Greek philosophers of past times, recently resurrected. We now know the real goal of the uniformist's was to detach themselves from the Church and Bible in specific, clearing the way for a new philosophy to drive science.
Howorth rejoins the debate in his energetic and straightforward style, seemingly exasperated by the stubbornness of his peers; they now explaining this deposition of "axes" done accidentally they implored, by dropping their tools over the sides of boats while fishing! Howorth continues:“Many of the axes, it has been remarked, do not lie on their sides, but are found as it were hanging in the beds [suspended] and resting on their edges in a way only compatible with their having been dropped out of water. The same conclusion seems deducible from the regular distribution of the flint implements in the gravels of the Somme, &c[PH1] . These implements are there scattered…through the lower beds of the gravel, and the view which this fact has suggested to the champions of uniformity is that they were dropped out of their boats when fishing by the palaeolithic folk. This notion is surely most original.”
“That palaeolithic [pre-flood] man, should deliberately sow flint tools out of his boats in such profusion, and with such a catholic regard to universal distribution, is certainly either a fresh proof of the unsophisticated character of early life, or of the naive and unsophisticated ingenuousness of the champions of uniformity…that the beds in which the stone implements occur are found in situations where no river flows, and where no river that we can postulate as possible ever could have flowed. The white patina which covers the axes when it attains a certain thickness invariably proves that they have been exposed for a long time to the air. [Author note: a condition showing they had been in use for a time before burial.] Thus, those which we find in the gravels covered with this [ageing evidence] were already old when buried. That is to say, were not dropped about at haphazard by fishermen, but were swept away very often from the surface of the land by the torrent, which deposited them where they are found." (Author note: Often documented at eight, nine, or even twelve meters of gravels, these are axe heads, unlikely to have migrated there by their own weight.)
Howorth continues: "How can anyone seriously point to a complete, absolute, and sudden gap as a proof of a vast, unbroken, and continuous period of time having elapsed between one state of things and the other. There is literally no relevance of any kind between the facts and the inference. The logical hiatus is as complete as is the physical one. A change progressing over a long period might be expected to show continued proofs of change, but not a complete gap. A gap means a break in the continuity — a break in the uniformity of the evidence; and those like ourselves who believe in empirical methods, believe further - that a gap in the evidence, unless accounted for very clearly, means a substantial gap in the facts themselves. To me, nothing can be plainer than that the complete and sharply defined disappearance of a type of man with a distinct fauna and flora, and its being replaced by an equally sharply defined new type of man, with a new and distinct fauna and flora, means the sudden, the widespread, and complete destruction of the one, and an entirely separate and distinct new beginning caused by the old desolated district being reoccupied by a fresh migration."
Then Howorth expands the options: "That it means, in fact, some cataclysm such as I have argued for on so long, and which is supported by an ever-increasing and ever-converging array of facts. I do not know anything else in nature competent in the first place to destroy human life over a wide area without obliterating or injuring the remains, and at the same time competent to entomb them in continuous masses of loam or gravel. The mode in which the implements occur is equally suggestive with the mode of occurrence of the human bones. I believe that the same potent cause which swept away the Mammoth and the rhinoceros, the cave-bear and the hyena from Europe, also swept away palaeolithic man, and that this cause was as sudden as it was widespread. It seems to me that the human skeletons and bones which occur un-weathered in precisely the same condition as those of the wild animals which accompany them, must point precisely the same moral."
Human finds Emerge
"Like those of the extinct animals, the human bones are buried deeply in undisturbed loess, &c[PH2] . There is no pretense for saying that the human skeletons which have been hitherto found and which were for the most part disintegrated and scattered, were buried artificially. The ground where they have occurred is undisturbed ground, and it does not seem arguable therefore that the remains of man, anymore than the remains of the accompanying extinct animals, were artificially buried. If not artificially buried by his companions, I cannot understand how his remains, un-weathered and fresh, should have been overlain by great depths of loam and loess in situations far above the level of the rivers and their overflow, and in districts where such overflow, even when it occurs, only deposits layers of loam the thickness of brown paper at the most, except as I argued in the case of the extinct animals, by the operation of a great flood of waters.”
Agreement on a new "Gentile Race" The most important geologists, archeologists and zoologists of the day largely concur that an event of global proportions wiped out one form of man and animal; then quite as rapidly, was subsequently replaced by another, more gentile race. A race that focused on agriculture and domestication, art and permanent places to dwell. Further, one accompanied by the wildlife and domestic animals of the present day!
These observations seem a perfect image of none other than the descendants of Noah and family! Now consider three things basic to their lifestyle a) that of building the ark, b) the cultivation of crops and c) engaging in the science of animal domestication! Now considering the reports that these "new" inhabitants made a "sudden" appearance, a fact so obvious that the majority of these naturalists found consensus in their observations of this fantastic change of heart and lifestyle! The summary being nothing less than amazing proof that the biblical account is fully aligned with true archaeology, devastating to secular explanations. And quote: "by operation of a great flood of waters!"
North American Early Man
Now we shall cross the Atlantic and visit the evidences found in our native land, North America, searching the layers for an event horizon such as found in Europe in this hemisphere. The question is posted, did man meet the same demise in America as that found in Europe? The answer may only be found in the rocks.
It's a well know fact that evidence of man in early existence is found all across the continent. The challenge being; how to identify his remains as modern or ancient, pre-flood or post? Unlike Europe, where a unique event horizon was obvious, (this so well documented among so many expert and prominent investigators) here in America, finding such a clear line was more difficult. This may be explained from a developmental standpoint. Due to the fact that this hemisphere was inhabited much later than the continent of the arcs settlement. Further, the anti-flood sentiment was more prevalent in later years, when the "new geology" had taken early hold. In America, the artifacts and remains of both the superficial strata and those at depth had little association with domestic animals; where in Europe as pointed out, this evidence help provide a more precise dividing line between old and new. Yet as we shall learn shortly, the sheer depth and type of the artifacts of early man formed an horizon, the remains often buried in tons of water deposited gravels, consisting of both large and small boulders. Yet at these depths where no implements should be, implements unrelated to the new were found, and found in abundance. Further (the same as in Europe), these remains and implements were also found in association with the extinct mega-fauna, including our index fossil of the flood, the Mammoth.
Common to the European and American sites, we find the presence of man and the extinct quadrupeds; those of the sloth, mammoth, mastodon, camel, large predators and the horse, now vanished and encased in solid rock; the same flood deposited sediments of Europe. Looking again to the words of those closer to the evidence, we have these accounts for the reader to consider. Fortunately for us, these documents came at a time when such thought could be published openly without worry of snubbing, transfer or loss of employment; as is the case today.
Lyell and the Bias
Charles Lyell first visited this country in 1850, and came into experience witnessing with his own eyes, (to his consternation) the recovery of human remains 30 feet below the surface in association with extinct animals, just as in hundred's of locations in Europe! This discovery occurred in the process in retrieving the bones of several extinct species on the Mississippi, near Natchez. According to local authorities, a river bank there had uplifted during the earthquakes of 1811-12, (detailed earlier in this volume) exposing a fresh loess cliff with the bones. The recovery of the human remains being found below, but in association with the great Bison, Mastodon, Megalonyx, and extinct horses.
Speaking of the discovery, Lyell records: "It appeared to be the bone of a man, in the same state of preservation, and was of the same dark color as the other fossils, and was believed to have come like them from a depth of about thirty feet from the surface."[9] Lyell goes on to urge that until other like specimens could be found, this case must be overlooked. He goes on to rationalize the site is possibly that of a native graveyard. At this juncture it's worthwhile to quote the presiding witness who made the discovery in the first place, a Dr. Dickeson, documenting this find in contradiction to Lyell's comments. Dickeson stated the human remains were taken from a uniform and undisturbed bed of blue clay, two feet below the skeletons of the megalonyx (Mastodon) and other extinct quadrupeds. He tells us:"The bone is that of a young man of about sixteen years of age, as determined by its size and form. That this bone is strictly in the fossil state, is manifest from its physical characters, in which it accords in every respect of color, density, with those of the megalonyx and other associated bones. That it could not have been drifted into the position in which it was found is manifest from several facts: 1) That the plateau of blue clay is not appreciably acted upon by those causes that produce ravines in the superincum bent diluvium, 2) That the human bone was found at least two feet below three associated skeletons of the megalonyx, all of which, judging from the apposition or proximity of their several parts, had been deposited in this locality. And lastly, because there was no admixture of diluvial drift with the blue clay, which latter retains its homogeneous character equally in the higher part that furnished be extinct quadrupeds, and in its lower part that contained the remains of man."
And so the contest continues, one so biased it refuses to believe what's held in their hands and seen with their own eyes, and another who simply tells it like it is. The implication that this bone was part of a grave site is summarily rejected by the fact that it was found beneath the mega-fauna in a uniform deposition, these being coursework 101 of paleontology and geology, but not the least considered by Lyell. He makes no mention of the distinct location being 2 feet beneath the other fossils in his volume, this in hope the two accounts should pass; "nay the twain shall ever meet," so to speak. So had the mindset of this dedicated uniformist become to the obvious, if it fails to fit the preconceived model, cast such into the grey, create a fog surrounding it, pose questions and make it suspect. (Lyell, a lawyer first by trade.) Now, if this find supported Lyell's opinion of origins and the reverse was indicated, we can be sure this discovery would have been shouted from the rooftops, his visit to America a success for "science," no less than of the Beagle and Darwin decades before! The author will make this assertion: the last thing Lyell wanted to find was more of same as in the Old Country, that is, more evidence of a Flood! Lyell's bias was exposed years later in his personal letters, his primary object found out, that is, eject the Bible from the classrooms of science at any cost, all the while appearing objective and wholly scientific. In that he did well, even compared to the floating of axe heads in the European finds.
Niagara Falls and "Principals of Geology"
Lyell, a lawyer first by trade; was a master of convincing language, this evident in his many works. Darwin took his Principles of Geology on the Beagle voyage, which argued the concept of slow and gradual geological processes occurring over millions of years. Even modern evolutionists acknowledge that Lyell was biased and driven by anti-biblical presuppositions. The late Stephen J. Gould commented about this issue, that of Lyell in his perfect act in the portrayal of the objective scientist: "Lyell relied upon true bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish. In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell. The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out. To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence. The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see. The catastrophists were the hard-nosed empiricists of their day, not the blinded theological apologists.”[10] One infamous example of Lyell's bias was his account of the rate of erosion of Niagara Falls, publishing a figure to suit his purpose. The commonly known erosion rate of the Niagara at the time of his visit there was known to be between 3 and 5 feet/year. (One period averaged 18 feet/year).[11] Lyell somehow arrived at the far reduced rate of one foot or 0.3 meters/year, and published such in his popular books. Since the gorge was 35,000 feet long, he intentionally helped people extrapolate (using his cooked data) that the gorge must certainly be 35,000 years old!
This estimate accomplished Lyell's ultimate goal of discovery in America; he then sailing back to England with this great discovery to share with the masses of Europe, being the persuasive lawyer that he was, further undermining the biblical chronology to the deception of thousands of trusting students. Later analysis of the Falls from 1842 to 1927 confirmed a higher rate of erosion, that of four to five feet per year. This rate placing an upper limit of 7,000 to 9,000 years for the gorge; we now knowing the average erosion factor is even higher, the calculated age agreeing with the ice cover of about 3,800 years ago, this in agreement with the post-Flood Ice Age. That Lyell's writings influenced Darwin is a well known fact; Darwin eventually linking uniformities slow and gradual geological processes with his supposed biological processes, in the end giving us Darwinian Evolution.
The North American Great Divide and Early Man
When archeologists ventured across the American expanses in search of early man in the early 1900's and forward, the concept of a global flood had been largely dissected out of most science texts. This thanks to the efforts of the new professors (as in Europe), who were disinterested in making bedmates with theologians, often rejecting the Bible outright as any sort of reliable guide. There were exceptions, one was Sir J. William Dawson (October 13, 1820 – November 19, 1899), past President of the Canadian Royal Society of Canada and noted geologist, who writes: “Further, we know now that the Deluge of Noah is not a mere myth or fancy of primitive man or solely a doctrine of the Hebrew Scriptures. The record of the catastrophe is preserved in some of the oldest historical documents of several distinct races of men, and is indirectly corroborated by the whole tenor of the early history of most of the civilized races. As to the actual occurrence of the Deluge as a widespread catastrophe affecting, with a few stated exceptions, the whole human race, we have thus a concurrence of the testimony of ancient history and tradition, and of geological and archaeological evidence, as well as of the inspired records of the Hebrew and Christian revelation. Thus no historical event, ancient or modern, can be more firmly established as matter of fact than this.”[12]
Other detractors to uniformity included Benjamin Silliman of Yale, J.D. Whitney and James Dana of Harvard, but alas, their voices succumbed to popular pressures in the years succeeding their passing. As an option to the Flood, a new explanation was needed to explain the deeply flood covered bones, and artifacts, they electing the work of Glaciers to accomplish this and many other feats. These were responsible they claimed, for all the gravel burials of every man, animal and vegetable in North America, capable of drowning stampeding herds of Mammoths! (And as we will document later, the same such actions explaining deep human burials in Texas and Louisiana!)
Thus, a new system of explanation was developed to classify and index all such finds, glaciers and their melting becoming the central theme of much geologic work, too much. Interesting and in contradiction was the general and obvious isolation of two epochs found in the layers, exactly as that found in Europe. The deeper acknowledged as the eon associated with the extinct species; e.g. the broad front Bison, the Sloth, the Mastodon and of course, the ever present Mammoth and smaller cousin Mastodon, found buried catastrophically under thousands of tons of water deposited gravels, these as far as Texas, quite a way from any glacier! To deal with these problems, new definitions were assigned to cover over the obvious.
The Thermal Changes: First, it was acknowledged that there was an earlier moist and warmer period; this designated the "Altithermal Period." Here was, archaeologists agreed, a period called the "Thermal Maximum" said to begin some 7,000-7,500 hundred years ago, suggesting the exact conditions the Bible mentions were present in the First Earth! Next, they admitted to a cooler period that followed the former, defined the "Medithermal Age," which is suggested begin some 4,000 years past; right on target with the Biblical Flood![13]
Chapter VI
Human Artifacts in North America potentially related to the Flood
Ancient American Man, Soda Bar, Trenton, and the Nampa Image
In further study of the evidence relating to the race of people who occupied America before the flood; we now come to a series of artifacts that are unexplained by the concept of great ages, glaciers and uniformity.
The Soda Bar Find
Soon after Lyell's visit to America, miners discovered human remains twenty-two feet below the surface in the Soda Bar gold mines in 1860.* The skeleton was found lying facedown about 22 feet below among gravel and boulders in the rocky deposits at Soda Bar, high in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Still intact were the larger bones and skull, found to be fully modern. Witnessing the find, Mr. L. Berthond, reported to the Academy of Science at Philadelphia, Vol. 18 1866: [it]"was a point conclusively shown, namely, that prior to the cause which covered Soda Hill, Soda Bar, and Dry Diggings Hill with its enormous beds of gravel, sand and boulders, and its native gold, man roved and dwelt in this region."[xiv] Along with the bones a pine tree was found two feet below beneath in what was called "red rock". The tree observed had its bark charred and disintegrated upon contact with the air. It would not be a stretch to surmise the tree was exposed to tremendous heat, then covered by sediments carried by moving water, nor to guess that the body was deposited then covered by the water transported gravel and boulders. Another important find left out of the modern literature. *Berthond concluded: "We confess that our preconceived notions of the antiquity of this Globe have received a severe shock by this discovery, and have modified our views as to the antiquity of the strata in this part of the Globe in this part of the continent…"
The Trenton Event Horizon
A decade after the Soda Bar finds, we move to the Trenton Gravels of New Jersey, the site of an number of significant discoveries including artifacts, tools and deeply buried skeletons. For the first time, a clear distinction was made in reference to older Palaeolithic tools of early man and those of Neolithic man of modern habitation. The event horizon.
First brought to light by Dr. Charles C. Abbott of New Jersey, (author of Primitive Industry, a study of artifacts from the America Northeast coast, 1881) also a member Boston Society of Natural History, Fellow Royal Society of Antiquaries of the North Copenhagen and other professional associations. Abbott’s work seems definitive. Lewis of the American Survey Office, a witness to these finds and of Abbotts work in general, goes on to tell us about the artifacts themselves: "that in their shape and character they are quite unlike those of the [current Native Americans] of the Atlantic coast. He has found them embedded at various depths in the apparently undisturbed gravel of the cliff at Riverview Cemetery, and in other places near Trenton. They are of palaeolithic type, and differ from Indian stone implements by being larger, ruder, and made from a different material. They are composed of grey argillite, a rock which is found in places farther up the river…They occur in positions which render it extremely probable that they belong to the same age as that of the deposition of the gravel, or at least to an age when it was overflowed by a flooded river."
Quoting Abbott: "There are two points which offer strong evidence in that direction. The first is the fact that modern Indian implements, neoliths, are never found associated with these palaeoliths in the gravel. Although abundant at the surface, it is stated that they never occur at a depth of more than a few inches in the undisturbed soil, while the palaeoliths are found often ten or more feet from the surface. This fact alone argues a different age for the two classes of implements. The second fact is that when found below the surface of the ground these palaeoliths always occur in the Trenton gravel and never in the older gravels. All the evidence that has been gathered points to the conclusion that at the time of the Trenton gravel flood, man in a rude state lived upon the banks of the ancient Delaware. Many of the palaeoliths found in the river gravels of Europe are of similar type. As a rule, probably the implements of the Trenton gravel are somewhat more rude."[xv] The narrative in Dr. Abbot's volume (quoted below) continues, adding that geologically, the Trenton gravels cover a large uniform area extending all the way to the coast and basically involve the southern half of New Jersey. He also differs that these gravels had a glacial origin, an explanation often evoked to deter students from considering such a result of the Great Flood. This mistaken theme has continued to this day.
Again we have Dr. Abbott in his volume Abbott's Primitive Industry, describing now the discovery of a human jawbone in the Trenton Gravels. He provides several important remarks in overview for the reader: "These gravels are, so far as we can make out, exactly on the same horizon as the implement-bearing gravels of Europe, and bear just the same relation to the so-called glacial beds. In them were found similar remains of extinct animals. Remains of the bison have also occurred there.”
Abbott summarizes: "The conclusion that the Indians were preceded by another people is based upon the fact that it is not practicable to trace any connection between the characteristic chipped palaeolithic implements and the polished, pecked and finely wrought objects of Indian origin: the one form certainly not having any necessary connection with the other. The wide gap that exists between a full series of each of the two forms is readily recognized when the two are brought together, and no one will hesitate to acknowledge it...The fact that the implements were deposited with the gravel is shown, not only by the undisturbed character of the latter, but also in that they have been found under the great boulders which pervade the gravel.” [Emphasis mine] Abbott refers to one weighing 100 lbs. and a second boulder, of much larger size, located five feet above the first, twenty-one feet below the surface and both in contact. He adds, "The character of the mass, which was that of the bluff on the bank of the river near Trenton, was such as to render it impossible that this specimen could have reached this position subsequently to the deposition of the containing bed." The relics are isolated, in that the cause which buried both boulders and implements was earlier than the appearance of Neolithic man, is shown by the fact that no relics of the latter are found with the old implements.
Abbott then speaks directly to the issue, "It is here strenuously maintained that the forces that caught up these later gravels also gathered in fact the rude implements that now give such interest to the deposit. It is evident, from the condition of some and the depth at which many are found, that they were made prior to the foundation of the containing bed, and were lost or discarded when the floods swept down the valley…These implements are indicative of man's presence, and have been placed in their present positions, varying from three to forty feet in depth, by the same agency that laid down the gravels…Every geologist who has written about these gravels has, so far as I know, invoked the agency of immense floods of water to account for them, most of them adding a corollary to which I completely demur, that the flood of water proceeded from a melting glacier." [xvi]
"The conclusion that the Indians were preceded by another people is based upon the fact that it is not practicable to trace any connection between the characteristic chipped palaeolithic implements and the polished, pecked and finely wrought objects of Native origin; the one form certainly not having any necessary connection with the other. The wide gap that exists between a full series of each of the two forms is readily recognized, when the two are brought together [side by side], no one will hesitate to acknowledge it. It becomes evident to those who carefully examine the several forms from the two positions, that they are as widely separated as the fossils of different geological formations." By rejecting the glacial flood explanation and embracing the European connection, Abbot is leaving the reader with but one alternative, that of a world wide flood explaining the deep burial of these artifacts.
The Great Divide in New Mexico
At the Sandra Cave in the Las Huertas Canyon, New Mexico, were found a variety of man-made implements together with the fossil remains of such animals as the horse, camel, Bison, Mammoth, Ground Sloth, and Wolf. The cave was initially discovered by treasure hunters on the lower slope of Bishops Cap, the principal a Mr. Roscoe Conkling of El Paso, TX. Intrigued by its soft floor, a party was formed and returned to the site along with an expert witness. Excavations commenced in the presence of a recognized authority Mr. William Bryan; invited to be on hand to witness any potential fossils of importance and to verify the geological sequence of the excavation. Digging down through the layers, bones of animals now extinct began to be exposed and removed. To the shock of all present, suddenly a human skull cap appeared at the 12 foot level. Further down the water deposited sediment layers, a hard sandstone lens was encountered. When this layer was broken through another skull was found, along with remains of other animals including a camel at nearly 21 feet in depth. Several archeologists commented that this finding was of national significance, but for one reason or another; Bryan's impressive report* never made it into the textbooks or literature and was sidelined into obscurity.
*Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929 New Mexico[xvii]
[1] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Compte Rendu, Int. Cong, of Arch. Bologna, 96.
[2] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Id. Brussels, 452, 453.
[3] Cited from Howorth, Mammoth, Id. Brussels, p. 441
[4] Gabriel de Mortillet Le Prehistorique, C. REINWALD, 1882 479, 480
[5] Gabriel de Mortillet Le Prehistorique, C. REINWALD, 1882481- 482.
[6] Geikie, Prehistoric Europe, 23. 24, 118—120
[7] ibid. 6. P. 379.
[8] ibid. 6 p. 647, 548, 252
[9] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, p. 238.
[10] S.J. Gould, Natural History, p. 16, February 1975. (cited from
[11] Philbrick, S. S., What future for Niagara Falls? Geological Society of America Bulletin, 85:91–98, 1974.
[12] Sir John William Dawson, The Historical Deluge in Relation to Scientific Discovery, p. 4.
[13] Wormington, Hannah M. Ancient Man in North America, Denver Museum. of Nat'l History Press 1957 p. 20
[xiv] Cited from Mammoth, Howorth. Proceedings, Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1866, 344, 345.
[xv] Cited from Mammoth, Howorth 1887, the Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1880, 306, 307.
[xvi] Abbot, Charles C. Abbott's Primitive Industry, George A. Bates Pub.1881 p. 512. Id. 506 Id. 477 Id. 477, 479, 480.
[xvii] Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929
Table Mountain CA, Gold mine finds
Wright, Frederick G. Science 20:275-27 1892
In February 1866, a skull was removed by one Mr. Mattison, in Calaveras County from a layer of gravel 130 feet below the surface. Later a human jaw, also inspected by J. D. Whitney, State geologist at that time who researched its location and authenticity. The jaw was given to a Dr. Snell by miners, who stated it came from the gravels beneath the lava cap at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County, CA. Noted geologists Mr. George H. Baker, Mr. King along with Professor Marsh, Professor Putnam and W. H. Dall attested to the fact that the Calaveras skull was found in place beneath a stream of gravel in the Table beneath this same stream of lava. Their position indicates they were over 30 million years old.
Speaking about the Whitney papers on these finds; in August, 1879, AAAS President and foremost paleontologist O. C. Marsh, stated: “The proof offered on this point by Professor J. D. Whitney in his recent work (Aurif. Gravels of Sierra Nevada) is so strong, and his careful, conscientious method of investigation so well known, that his conclusions seem irresistible. At present, the known facts indicate that the American beds containing human remains and works of man, are as old as the Pliocene of Europe. The existence of man in the Tertiary period seems now fairly established.”[i]
Group of artifacts found in France
Jacques-Louis, Comte de Bournon (1751 – 1825) of France was a soldier and scientist who gained prominence in the British scientific community and was elected a fellow of the Royal and Geological Society. He was present when this discovery was made in a stone quarry used for rebuilding the Palace of Justice in Paris.
"The stone was a limestone of deep grey, and of that kind which are tender when they come out of the quarry, but harden by exposure to the air. The first which were wrought presented no appearance of any foreign bodies, but, after the workmen had removed the ten first beds, they were astonished, when taking away the eleventh, to find its inferior surface, at the depth of forty or fifty feet, covered with shells. The stone of this bed having been removed, ..they found stumps of columns and fragments of stone half wrought, and the stone was exactly similar to that of the quarry: they found moreover coins, handles of hammers, and other tools or fragments of tools in wood. But that which principally commanded their attention, was a board about one inch thick and seven or eight feet long; it was broken into many pieces, ..which was that of the boards of the same kind used by the masons and quarry men: it was worn in the same manner, rounded and waving upon the edges.” .."Here then, we have the traces of a work executed by the hand of man, placed at a depth of fifty feet, and covered with eleven beds of compact limestone: everything tended to prove that this work had been executed upon the spot where the traces existed. The presence of man had then preceded the formation of this stone, and that very considerably since he was already arrived at such a degree of civilization that the arts were known to him, and that he wrought the stone and formed columns out of it.” American Journal of Science, 1820
Human marks in another stone quarry
Browne, J.B. American Journal of Science 1:19:361 1831.
In November 1830, two individual letter shapes were found extruded into a slab of marble 12 miles northwest of Philadelphia. In the normal course of business a marble block of 30 cubic feet was removed and taken to a sawing facility. When the workers noticed letters inset into this slab they thought virgin, they set the block aside and called in witnesses. The rough cut was taken from a depth of sixty to eighty feet deep in the pit.
Nail in "Ancient" Sandstone
Brewster, David: Report of the British Association pt. 2, 51 1844
In a Scotland, at a sandstone quarry a report was made that a nail was found set in a block of sandstone. The relic was found in stone dated 360 and 408 million years old. The principal who made the find, David Brewster was a famous Scottish physicist and founder of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Brewster stated: “The stone in Kingoodie quarry consists of alternate layers of hard stone and a soft clayey substance called ‘till’; the courses of stone vary from six inches to upwards of six feet in thickness. The particular block in which the nail was found, was nine inches thick, and in proceeding to clear the rough block for dressing, the point of the nail was found projecting about half an inch (quite eaten with rust) into the ‘till,’ the rest of the nail lying along the surface of the stone to within an inch of the head, which went right down into the body of the stone.”
Iron pot found in coal:
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archealogy 2011. P. 806
Robert Nordling states; "While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mold of the pot in the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma, Mines.” Wilburton area coal is said to be over 300 million years old using uniform geologic tables.
Shoes in Stone
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archealogy 2011. p. 807-8
“Mystery of the Petrified ‘Shoe Sole’ 5,000,000 Years Old,” by Dr. W. H. Ballou. Dr. Ballou wrote: “Some time ago, while prospecting for fossils in Nevada, John T. Reid, a distinguished mining engineer and geologist, stopped suddenly and looked down in utter bewilderment and amazement at a rock near his feet. For there, a part of the rock itself, was what seemed to be a human footprint! Closer inspection showed that it was not a mark of a naked foot, but was, apparently, a shoe sole which had been turned into stone." The Triassic rock bearing the fossil shoe sole is now recognized as being more than 200 million years old. Mr. Reid took the specimen to the American Museum of Natural History where the expert staff seemed amazed, a report was written but when inquired of later it could not be found. The sole imprint was so clear a wear spot was visible a the heal pressure point. The artifact has been left a mystery to secular scientists, but not to those who hold the Bible as authoritative.
Sole print including trilobites, the Meister Story
Corless William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 642
William Meister was collecting trilobites near Antelope Springs, Utah. Upon breaking open a clast rock the two parts fell open and there before his eyes were the impression of shoe soles impregnated with trilobites, an animal dated back 500 million years! Geologist after geologist has studied the imprints and rejected them due to the geologic location of trilobite's, which contradict the evolutionary chart of origins. One geologist familiar with the area visited the site and reported that surface rocks existed of the same nature of the one found. Meister was exonerated from any kind of fraud. One geologist admitted that he "could not accept it," and added that no geologist would.
Fossil human-like footprints.
Corless Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 668-9
Professor W. G. Burroughs, head of the department of geology at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, reported in 1938 that he had identified a number of prints in the vicinity for years. Human and human mixed with animal prints have been known to be found in Australia, Dakota, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Massachusetts , Nevada, S Louis, Mo. Texas and Turkey.
Heidelberg Mandible
Dr. Otto Schoetensack, lecturer on Geology in the University of Heidelberg, often visited a fossil rich deposit in a gravel pit near the institution. After waiting and searching for twenty years, the owner of the pit, Herr J. Rosch, was able to inform him on October 21st, 1907, that his twenty years search had at last been realized. "Yesterday" he wrote, "the desired evidence was obtained, for 20 m. below the surface soil, and above the floor of my sand-pit, there was found the lower jaw of primitive man, in good preservation, and with all its teeth." Concerning the authenticity of the find there cannot be any doubt; the bed in which the mandible was covered by a series of deposits, amounting in all to 78 feet, over the mandible Dr. Schoetensack recognized twenty four different strata containing. They fall into three series - the uppermost, formed by recent loess a fine earth, a product of floods and drought; (2) the ancient loess a sandy loam, also a deposit from muddy waters; (3) the Mauer sands. In one of the lower strata of this series the mandible was found. In the lower strata, remains of the following extinct animals were found: " the lion, an extinct form of cat, a dog, two forms of bear, a species of bison, an early Pleistocene form of horse, and an early form of rhinoceros… "These are not primitive or simian characters, but the reverse; they are modifications confined, so far as we have yet discovered, to this peculiar variety or species of man "
"No revelation of prehistoric man could be more convincing than the discovery of the Heidelberg mandible. We have no shadow of doubt as to its authenticity or significance." So states Arthur Kieth in The Antiquity of Man. 1915. 233-4
Galley Hill, England
Keith, Arthur. The Antiquity of Man. 1915.
In 1888, workmen removing deposits at Galley Hill, near London, England, an exposed a fully modern human remains above a bed of chalk. The overlying layers were about 10 or 11 feet thick. Here was discovered a human skeleton firmly embedded in these deposits about 8 feet below the surface. A qualified observer determined this locale was not a burial site: “No doubt could possibly arise to the observation of an ordinary intelligent person of their deposition contemporaneously with that of the gravel. This undisturbed state of the stratum was so palpable to the workman that he said, ‘The man or animal was not buried by anybody.’” Numerous tools were also recovered from the Galley Hill site and surrounding area.
Clichy Skeleton In 1868
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race
As documented to the Anthropological Society of Paris , one Eugene Bertrand claimed that he found parts of a human skull, along with a femur, tibia, and some foot bones, in a quarry near Avenue de Clichy. The bones were found 16+ feet beneath the surface. This layer was the same age in Geology terms as the Galley Hill skeleton was discovered. This would make the Clichy bones approximately 330,000 years old.
La Denise Skull Fragments
La Denise, France In the 1840’s, pieces of human bone were discovered in the midst of volcanic strata, including a forehead section. Sir Arthur Keith wrote; “differs in no essential particular from the frontal bone of a modern skull.” The remains were found between two layers of lava. The first lava layer was from the Pliocene and the last from the Late Pleistocene, or up to 2 million years old. From Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race
Buenos Aires Skull
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race.
A very strong case for anatomically modern humans existing in very early times comes from Argentina. In 1896, workers excavating a dry dock in Buenos Aires uncovered a skull in a layer referred to as “the upper-most portion of the Pre-Ensenadean stratum.” Placing the remains over 1 million years old as measured by evolution based timelines, far to old for the existence of modern man.
Foxall Jaw
From Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race. In 1855, a human jaw was discovered at Foxhall, England, by workers digging in a quarry 16 feet below the surface. Collyer determined that this specimen was; “the oldest relic of the human animal in existence.” Artifacts were also uncovered in the same strata, over 2 million years dated by uniform means. Collyer was ecstatic about this find and presented it to the various authorities of the day including Thomas Huxley, Richard Owen and Charles Lyell. Huxley related that in his opinion the piece; “did not indicate it belonged to an extinct or aberrant race of mankind.” Others were skeptical.
The Castenedolo, Italy finds
Keith, Arthur. The Antiquity of Man. 1915. Chap XIII
Late in 1860, one Giuseppe Ragazzoni, a geologist at Brescia, visited the area of Castenedolo, “Searching along a bank of coral for shells, there came into my hand the top portion of a cranium, completely filled with pieces of coral cemented with the blue-green clay characteristic of that formation. Astonished, I continued the search, and in addition to the top portion of the cranium I found other bones of the thorax and limbs, which quite apparently belonged to an individual of the human species.” Later he recovered more "modern" human fossils, to the astonishment of the world, including a man, women and two children. This finding was suppressed and has found little publicity as the layers, all water deposited, dated over 4 MY as determined by uniform geologic means. Giuseppe Sergi, famous anatomist of Rome, visited Ragazzoni in 1883 and verified the remains of the four individuals, an adult male, female, and two children. A noted authority of the day, Sergi believed the Castenedolo skeletons were authentic. As the skeptical reactions flowed in from others, he later said: “The tendency to reject, by reason of theoretical preconceptions, any discoveries that can demonstrate a human presence in the Tertiary is, I believe, a kind of scientific prejudice. Natural science should be stripped of this prejudice.” Later Sergi wrote: “By means of a despotic scientific prejudice, call it what you will, every discovery of human remains in the Pliocene has been discredited.”
The Honest end of Castenedolo
From Macalister’s Textbook of European Archaeology, 1921. Cambridge University Press.
Macalister mentions the Castenedolo finds “whatever we may think of them, have to be treated seriously.” Further he comments;“unearthed by a competent geologist, Ragazzoni and examined by a competent anatomist, Sergi.” He unknowingly predicts; “there must be something wrong somewhere.” “Now, if they really belonged to the stratum in which they were found,”…“this would imply an extraordinarily long standstill for evolution. It is much more likely that there is something amiss with the observations.” Finally and honestly asserting: “The acceptance of a Pliocene date for the Castenedolo skeletons would create so many insoluble problems that we can hardly hesitate in choosing between the alternatives of adopting or rejecting their authenticity.”
Savona Italy, Skeleton
Around 1850 while excavating for a Church in Savona, Italy, a fully modern human skeleton was unearthed 10 feet below the grade in a layer thought to be “millions” of years in geologic age -(geologists of the day put the age the layer over 3 million years old, again assuming uniform evolutionary geology was correct). The presenter of the find, Arthur Issel observed; “The body was discovered in an outstretched position, with the arms extending forward, the head slightly bent forward and down, the body very much elevated relative to the legs, like a man in the water." Animal bones were found scattered with the human remains in the same layer. As this skeleton appeared to be washed in by water, face down and trapped against the side of rock, this condition supports the find as but none other than a remnant the the great flood, 75 miles inland.
Human skull found at Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
Science, 69: suplii, Feb, 1 1929, from Corliss, William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 673
Discovering mastodon remains 22 feet below ground level near the campus, the observing scientists recalled a little reported earlier find of a modern human skull found nearby at same depth in the same strata. Three researchers are quoted discussing the implications. One, a Dr. J.W. Gidley is quoted as stating, "If this mastodon is of the late Miocene are early Pliocene as D. Blackwelder says it is, that sets it (the skull) back some two or three million years. And we have no evidence man has been here that long."
According to Gabriel de Mortillet, M. Quiquerez reported the discovery of a skeleton at Delémont in Switzerland in clays (water deposits) in the Eocene time – at least 39 million years old on the Geologic chart.
US Coal Man
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p. 454
In December of 1862, The Geologist reported: “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth. The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.” The coal in which the Macoupin County skeleton was a layer claimed to be over 280 million years
Reck’s Skeleton
In 1913, Professor Hans Reck of Berlin University, conducted investigations in the now famous graveyard at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Seeing a protrusion, one of his companions noticed portions of a skeleton embedded in the rock. The workers labored to extract the remains out of the stone with hammers and chisels. This fully modern human was located in a layer far too "old". by evolution standards that have modern man coming on the scene 200,000 years ago.
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, modern analysts confidently assert Reck’s Skeleton was of recent burial. It's rarely mentioned the records. The possibility of modern skeletons in such supposedly ancient strata is very destructive to modern scientific thought. Reck’s find is significant, it exposes the bias of the "science" of human origins, even 100 years past. Finds such as this undermine the long ages theory of Darwinian evolution, upon which modern anthropology, archeology and long-age geology origins theories are based.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011
New Mexico - Human Bones in Cavern
Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929
A cave was discovered by local treasure hunters on the lower slope of Bishops Cap by a Mr. Roscoe Conkling of El Paso in the 1920's. Intrigued by its soft floor, a party was formed and excavations began in the presence of a recognized authority able to witness any potential unearthing of items of importance. Digging down through the layers, animal bones now extinct began to be exposed and removed, then suddenly a human skull cap appeared at the 12 foot level. Further down the sediment layers a hard lens was encountered, and when broken through was found another skull and remains of numerous other animals including a camel at nearly 21 feet in depth. The scientist commented that this finding was of national significance, but for one reason or another, it never got into the textbooks.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p.444
Wright, Frederick G. Science 20:275-27 1892
In February 1866, a skull was removed by one Mr. Mattison, in Calaveras County from a layer of gravel 130 feet below the surface. Later a human jaw, also inspected by J. D. Whitney, State geologist at that time who researched its location and authenticity. The jaw was given to a Dr. Snell by miners, who stated it came from the gravels beneath the lava cap at Table Mountain in Tuolumne County, CA. Noted geologists Mr. George H. Baker, Mr. King along with Professor Marsh, Professor Putnam and W. H. Dall attested to the fact that the Calaveras skull was found in place beneath a stream of gravel in the Table beneath this same stream of lava. Their position indicates they were over 30 million years old.
Speaking about the Whitney papers on these finds; in August, 1879, AAAS President and foremost paleontologist O. C. Marsh, stated: “The proof offered on this point by Professor J. D. Whitney in his recent work (Aurif. Gravels of Sierra Nevada) is so strong, and his careful, conscientious method of investigation so well known, that his conclusions seem irresistible. At present, the known facts indicate that the American beds containing human remains and works of man, are as old as the Pliocene of Europe. The existence of man in the Tertiary period seems now fairly established.”[i]
Group of artifacts found in France
Jacques-Louis, Comte de Bournon (1751 – 1825) of France was a soldier and scientist who gained prominence in the British scientific community and was elected a fellow of the Royal and Geological Society. He was present when this discovery was made in a stone quarry used for rebuilding the Palace of Justice in Paris.
"The stone was a limestone of deep grey, and of that kind which are tender when they come out of the quarry, but harden by exposure to the air. The first which were wrought presented no appearance of any foreign bodies, but, after the workmen had removed the ten first beds, they were astonished, when taking away the eleventh, to find its inferior surface, at the depth of forty or fifty feet, covered with shells. The stone of this bed having been removed, ..they found stumps of columns and fragments of stone half wrought, and the stone was exactly similar to that of the quarry: they found moreover coins, handles of hammers, and other tools or fragments of tools in wood. But that which principally commanded their attention, was a board about one inch thick and seven or eight feet long; it was broken into many pieces, ..which was that of the boards of the same kind used by the masons and quarry men: it was worn in the same manner, rounded and waving upon the edges.” .."Here then, we have the traces of a work executed by the hand of man, placed at a depth of fifty feet, and covered with eleven beds of compact limestone: everything tended to prove that this work had been executed upon the spot where the traces existed. The presence of man had then preceded the formation of this stone, and that very considerably since he was already arrived at such a degree of civilization that the arts were known to him, and that he wrought the stone and formed columns out of it.” American Journal of Science, 1820
Human marks in another stone quarry
Browne, J.B. American Journal of Science 1:19:361 1831.
In November 1830, two individual letter shapes were found extruded into a slab of marble 12 miles northwest of Philadelphia. In the normal course of business a marble block of 30 cubic feet was removed and taken to a sawing facility. When the workers noticed letters inset into this slab they thought virgin, they set the block aside and called in witnesses. The rough cut was taken from a depth of sixty to eighty feet deep in the pit.
Nail in "Ancient" Sandstone
Brewster, David: Report of the British Association pt. 2, 51 1844
In a Scotland, at a sandstone quarry a report was made that a nail was found set in a block of sandstone. The relic was found in stone dated 360 and 408 million years old. The principal who made the find, David Brewster was a famous Scottish physicist and founder of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Brewster stated: “The stone in Kingoodie quarry consists of alternate layers of hard stone and a soft clayey substance called ‘till’; the courses of stone vary from six inches to upwards of six feet in thickness. The particular block in which the nail was found, was nine inches thick, and in proceeding to clear the rough block for dressing, the point of the nail was found projecting about half an inch (quite eaten with rust) into the ‘till,’ the rest of the nail lying along the surface of the stone to within an inch of the head, which went right down into the body of the stone.”
Iron pot found in coal:
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archealogy 2011. P. 806
Robert Nordling states; "While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge hammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mold of the pot in the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma, Mines.” Wilburton area coal is said to be over 300 million years old using uniform geologic tables.
Shoes in Stone
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archealogy 2011. p. 807-8
“Mystery of the Petrified ‘Shoe Sole’ 5,000,000 Years Old,” by Dr. W. H. Ballou. Dr. Ballou wrote: “Some time ago, while prospecting for fossils in Nevada, John T. Reid, a distinguished mining engineer and geologist, stopped suddenly and looked down in utter bewilderment and amazement at a rock near his feet. For there, a part of the rock itself, was what seemed to be a human footprint! Closer inspection showed that it was not a mark of a naked foot, but was, apparently, a shoe sole which had been turned into stone." The Triassic rock bearing the fossil shoe sole is now recognized as being more than 200 million years old. Mr. Reid took the specimen to the American Museum of Natural History where the expert staff seemed amazed, a report was written but when inquired of later it could not be found. The sole imprint was so clear a wear spot was visible a the heal pressure point. The artifact has been left a mystery to secular scientists, but not to those who hold the Bible as authoritative.
Sole print including trilobites, the Meister Story
Corless William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 642
William Meister was collecting trilobites near Antelope Springs, Utah. Upon breaking open a clast rock the two parts fell open and there before his eyes were the impression of shoe soles impregnated with trilobites, an animal dated back 500 million years! Geologist after geologist has studied the imprints and rejected them due to the geologic location of trilobite's, which contradict the evolutionary chart of origins. One geologist familiar with the area visited the site and reported that surface rocks existed of the same nature of the one found. Meister was exonerated from any kind of fraud. One geologist admitted that he "could not accept it," and added that no geologist would.
Fossil human-like footprints.
Corless Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 668-9
Professor W. G. Burroughs, head of the department of geology at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, reported in 1938 that he had identified a number of prints in the vicinity for years. Human and human mixed with animal prints have been known to be found in Australia, Dakota, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Massachusetts , Nevada, S Louis, Mo. Texas and Turkey.
Heidelberg Mandible
Dr. Otto Schoetensack, lecturer on Geology in the University of Heidelberg, often visited a fossil rich deposit in a gravel pit near the institution. After waiting and searching for twenty years, the owner of the pit, Herr J. Rosch, was able to inform him on October 21st, 1907, that his twenty years search had at last been realized. "Yesterday" he wrote, "the desired evidence was obtained, for 20 m. below the surface soil, and above the floor of my sand-pit, there was found the lower jaw of primitive man, in good preservation, and with all its teeth." Concerning the authenticity of the find there cannot be any doubt; the bed in which the mandible was covered by a series of deposits, amounting in all to 78 feet, over the mandible Dr. Schoetensack recognized twenty four different strata containing. They fall into three series - the uppermost, formed by recent loess a fine earth, a product of floods and drought; (2) the ancient loess a sandy loam, also a deposit from muddy waters; (3) the Mauer sands. In one of the lower strata of this series the mandible was found. In the lower strata, remains of the following extinct animals were found: " the lion, an extinct form of cat, a dog, two forms of bear, a species of bison, an early Pleistocene form of horse, and an early form of rhinoceros… "These are not primitive or simian characters, but the reverse; they are modifications confined, so far as we have yet discovered, to this peculiar variety or species of man "
"No revelation of prehistoric man could be more convincing than the discovery of the Heidelberg mandible. We have no shadow of doubt as to its authenticity or significance." So states Arthur Kieth in The Antiquity of Man. 1915. 233-4
Galley Hill, England
Keith, Arthur. The Antiquity of Man. 1915.
In 1888, workmen removing deposits at Galley Hill, near London, England, an exposed a fully modern human remains above a bed of chalk. The overlying layers were about 10 or 11 feet thick. Here was discovered a human skeleton firmly embedded in these deposits about 8 feet below the surface. A qualified observer determined this locale was not a burial site: “No doubt could possibly arise to the observation of an ordinary intelligent person of their deposition contemporaneously with that of the gravel. This undisturbed state of the stratum was so palpable to the workman that he said, ‘The man or animal was not buried by anybody.’” Numerous tools were also recovered from the Galley Hill site and surrounding area.
Clichy Skeleton In 1868
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race
As documented to the Anthropological Society of Paris , one Eugene Bertrand claimed that he found parts of a human skull, along with a femur, tibia, and some foot bones, in a quarry near Avenue de Clichy. The bones were found 16+ feet beneath the surface. This layer was the same age in Geology terms as the Galley Hill skeleton was discovered. This would make the Clichy bones approximately 330,000 years old.
La Denise Skull Fragments
La Denise, France In the 1840’s, pieces of human bone were discovered in the midst of volcanic strata, including a forehead section. Sir Arthur Keith wrote; “differs in no essential particular from the frontal bone of a modern skull.” The remains were found between two layers of lava. The first lava layer was from the Pliocene and the last from the Late Pleistocene, or up to 2 million years old. From Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race
Buenos Aires Skull
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race.
A very strong case for anatomically modern humans existing in very early times comes from Argentina. In 1896, workers excavating a dry dock in Buenos Aires uncovered a skull in a layer referred to as “the upper-most portion of the Pre-Ensenadean stratum.” Placing the remains over 1 million years old as measured by evolution based timelines, far to old for the existence of modern man.
Foxall Jaw
From Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. (2011-01-30). The Hidden History of the Human Race. In 1855, a human jaw was discovered at Foxhall, England, by workers digging in a quarry 16 feet below the surface. Collyer determined that this specimen was; “the oldest relic of the human animal in existence.” Artifacts were also uncovered in the same strata, over 2 million years dated by uniform means. Collyer was ecstatic about this find and presented it to the various authorities of the day including Thomas Huxley, Richard Owen and Charles Lyell. Huxley related that in his opinion the piece; “did not indicate it belonged to an extinct or aberrant race of mankind.” Others were skeptical.
The Castenedolo, Italy finds
Keith, Arthur. The Antiquity of Man. 1915. Chap XIII
Late in 1860, one Giuseppe Ragazzoni, a geologist at Brescia, visited the area of Castenedolo, “Searching along a bank of coral for shells, there came into my hand the top portion of a cranium, completely filled with pieces of coral cemented with the blue-green clay characteristic of that formation. Astonished, I continued the search, and in addition to the top portion of the cranium I found other bones of the thorax and limbs, which quite apparently belonged to an individual of the human species.” Later he recovered more "modern" human fossils, to the astonishment of the world, including a man, women and two children. This finding was suppressed and has found little publicity as the layers, all water deposited, dated over 4 MY as determined by uniform geologic means. Giuseppe Sergi, famous anatomist of Rome, visited Ragazzoni in 1883 and verified the remains of the four individuals, an adult male, female, and two children. A noted authority of the day, Sergi believed the Castenedolo skeletons were authentic. As the skeptical reactions flowed in from others, he later said: “The tendency to reject, by reason of theoretical preconceptions, any discoveries that can demonstrate a human presence in the Tertiary is, I believe, a kind of scientific prejudice. Natural science should be stripped of this prejudice.” Later Sergi wrote: “By means of a despotic scientific prejudice, call it what you will, every discovery of human remains in the Pliocene has been discredited.”
The Honest end of Castenedolo
From Macalister’s Textbook of European Archaeology, 1921. Cambridge University Press.
Macalister mentions the Castenedolo finds “whatever we may think of them, have to be treated seriously.” Further he comments;“unearthed by a competent geologist, Ragazzoni and examined by a competent anatomist, Sergi.” He unknowingly predicts; “there must be something wrong somewhere.” “Now, if they really belonged to the stratum in which they were found,”…“this would imply an extraordinarily long standstill for evolution. It is much more likely that there is something amiss with the observations.” Finally and honestly asserting: “The acceptance of a Pliocene date for the Castenedolo skeletons would create so many insoluble problems that we can hardly hesitate in choosing between the alternatives of adopting or rejecting their authenticity.”
Savona Italy, Skeleton
Around 1850 while excavating for a Church in Savona, Italy, a fully modern human skeleton was unearthed 10 feet below the grade in a layer thought to be “millions” of years in geologic age -(geologists of the day put the age the layer over 3 million years old, again assuming uniform evolutionary geology was correct). The presenter of the find, Arthur Issel observed; “The body was discovered in an outstretched position, with the arms extending forward, the head slightly bent forward and down, the body very much elevated relative to the legs, like a man in the water." Animal bones were found scattered with the human remains in the same layer. As this skeleton appeared to be washed in by water, face down and trapped against the side of rock, this condition supports the find as but none other than a remnant the the great flood, 75 miles inland.
Human skull found at Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
Science, 69: suplii, Feb, 1 1929, from Corliss, William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 673
Discovering mastodon remains 22 feet below ground level near the campus, the observing scientists recalled a little reported earlier find of a modern human skull found nearby at same depth in the same strata. Three researchers are quoted discussing the implications. One, a Dr. J.W. Gidley is quoted as stating, "If this mastodon is of the late Miocene are early Pliocene as D. Blackwelder says it is, that sets it (the skull) back some two or three million years. And we have no evidence man has been here that long."
According to Gabriel de Mortillet, M. Quiquerez reported the discovery of a skeleton at Delémont in Switzerland in clays (water deposits) in the Eocene time – at least 39 million years old on the Geologic chart.
US Coal Man
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p. 454
In December of 1862, The Geologist reported: “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth. The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.” The coal in which the Macoupin County skeleton was a layer claimed to be over 280 million years
Reck’s Skeleton
In 1913, Professor Hans Reck of Berlin University, conducted investigations in the now famous graveyard at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Seeing a protrusion, one of his companions noticed portions of a skeleton embedded in the rock. The workers labored to extract the remains out of the stone with hammers and chisels. This fully modern human was located in a layer far too "old". by evolution standards that have modern man coming on the scene 200,000 years ago.
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, modern analysts confidently assert Reck’s Skeleton was of recent burial. It's rarely mentioned the records. The possibility of modern skeletons in such supposedly ancient strata is very destructive to modern scientific thought. Reck’s find is significant, it exposes the bias of the "science" of human origins, even 100 years past. Finds such as this undermine the long ages theory of Darwinian evolution, upon which modern anthropology, archeology and long-age geology origins theories are based.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011
New Mexico - Human Bones in Cavern
Bryan, William Alanson; Science, 70:39-41 1929
A cave was discovered by local treasure hunters on the lower slope of Bishops Cap by a Mr. Roscoe Conkling of El Paso in the 1920's. Intrigued by its soft floor, a party was formed and excavations began in the presence of a recognized authority able to witness any potential unearthing of items of importance. Digging down through the layers, animal bones now extinct began to be exposed and removed, then suddenly a human skull cap appeared at the 12 foot level. Further down the sediment layers a hard lens was encountered, and when broken through was found another skull and remains of numerous other animals including a camel at nearly 21 feet in depth. The scientist commented that this finding was of national significance, but for one reason or another, it never got into the textbooks.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p.444
Other unexplained artifacts include deeply covered human remains, (huddled together or in scattered parts), metal, wood and objects obviously engraved or formed by mans touch. Also documented are tools, deeply buried walls, dolls, steel balls, extrusions, writing and idols. Other finds include a ceramic ladle in coal[iii] and other metal or stone utensils found in deep layers called a mystery or left undocumented by the science community. Many of these individual items were rushed to major universities for examination, who promptly characterized them as unrelated oddities and quickly dismissed their authenticity with the wave of a hand. The reference geologic strata of these sites often range in order of several to hundreds of millions of years in age, this in the scheme of “modern” geology. This system referred to as the "Geologic Column" uses a scale based on the supposed evolution of animals found in each layer. Relics such as these mentioned would controvert this model and upturn the basis of a thousand mistaken books and as many PhD’s, each conferred on the basis of evolution. Yes, dogma dies hard, but sometimes it’s better to cut your losses and dispatch the dog if you wish to remain credible.
Finds of Humans and Extinct Animals: Europe
In 1774, Esper published the discovery of a human jaw and shoulder-blade, along with remains of bears, hyenas and others; near Nuremberg.
Rosenmiiller relates in his 1804 memoir on the cave bear, documenting that human bones were found with a cave bear and cave tiger.[i]
A Professor Crahay [PH1] located a human lower jaw in the loess exposed in a cut opened for a canal dugout between the years 1815 and 1823. Along with the human remains were found a number of elephants, deer and oxen. The jaw-bone was later placed on display at the Leyden Museum and the find published in the Bulletin of the Belgian Academy in 1836.[ii]
M. Risso reported he had unearthed a large number of human bones from fissures near Nice, as disclosed to the French Academy on the geology of that place, many of these remains were sent to Cuvier for examination.
According to Howorth, M. Ami Bou'e reported to the Bulletin of Geol. Soc. of France that in 1829, he had made further discoveries of human remains in the clay at Krems, published in the "Annales des Sciences Naturelles," vol. xviii. Other discoveries were reported by Razoumofski at Baden near Vienna, that of human skulls in connection with extinct animals.
In 1828, Howorth reports the naturalist Tournal of the Museum at Narbonne published a report documenting the remains of extinct animals in the cave of Bize, that along with pottery and human remains. M. Marcel de Serres examined the artifacts and declared them of the same mineral condition as those of the extinct animals.[iii]
In 1829, speaking of the caverns of the Gard, France, M. Christol provided a general treatise regarding human remains from these caverns, published his discovery of human bones and pottery mixed with those of the hyena and rhinoceros in the Poudres cavern. Other discoveries of human remains were reported by M. Emilien Dumas at the cave Souvignargues, near Sommie'res (Gard), and also Dr. Pitore reported the same at Fanzan, near Gesseras (He'rault).
In 1833, M. Schmerling published the volume entitled "Recherches sur les ossements fossiles decouvertes dans les cavernes de la province de Liege," concerning his exhaustive excavations in Belgium. He also documented that the bones of man existed in precisely the same mineral condition as the hyena, cave bear, mammoth and rhinoceros antiquitatis. He states: "the human remains of most frequent occurrence being teeth detached from the jaws, and carpal, metacarpal, tarsal, metatarsal and phalangial bones separated from the rest of the skeleton."
In the cave at Engis, Schmerling also unearthed the remains of three individuals; one of the skulls was found by the side of a Mammoth's tooth, complete and buried in a breccia five feet deep. With them were several bones of a horse, reindeer and remains of a rhinoceros. These skulls were kept in the University of Liege. Human remains were found in other caves as well, this according to Sir Charles Lyell's reports on these discoveries, quoting him: "speaking generally, it may be said, the human bones, where any were met with, occurred at all depths in the cave mud and gravel, sometimes above and sometimes below those of the bear, elephant, rhinoceros, hyena, &c[PH2] . Breaking through the stalagmitic floor, bones and teeth of the cave bear and other animals which Schmerling had described were speedily discovered." Lyell further mentions that after several weeks' digging in the same locale, that Lyell's companion, Professor Malaise of Liege, found three fragments of a human skull and two perfect lower jaws with teeth, all associated the bones of bears, large pachyderms and ruminants, and so precisely resembling these in color and state of preservation, as to leave no doubt in his mind that man was contemporary with the extinct animals."[iv] [Edited for space]
In 1835 M. Marcel de Serres published his account of the bone filled caverns in France and elsewhere in Europe: "Essai sur les cavernes a ossemens."[v] Documenting eighteen individual locations where remains of extinct animals and that of man were found together, he tells us: "Il parait done bien etabli, soit d'apres ces faits, soit d'apres ceux que nous avons enumeres dans nos differents travaux, que 'homme a ete contemporain des especes perdues, dissemin£es avec ses debris, dans certaines."
M. Dupont mentions a great quantity of human remains found in state with land animals in one or more locations. From Trou du Frontal, he remarked that the bones of the thirteen human skeletons were found in inexpressible disorder. And speaking of the Trou de la Rosette, he says the occupants of this cave were "overwhelmed by a deluge." "It was," he says, "unanimously admitted that they had been mingled with the stones and earth by a great inundation."[vi] [Emphasis added]
In Honan, China, human remains were found in a deep loess deposit with the remains of the wild boar, the bison, and the mammoth.
In 1921 while men were working in a mine known as the “Bone Cave,” in Rhodesia, Africa a great number of fossilized and partly fossilized remains were unearthed, including the elephant, lion, rhinoceros, antelope, and human remains. An excerpt of the article reads: "Until lately no remains of the cave man himself have been noticed at Broken Hill, but at the end of last summer Mr. W. E. Barren was so fortunate as to discover and dig out of the earth in a remote part of the cave a nearly complete human skull, a fragment of the upper jaw of another, a sacrum, a tibia, and the two ends of a femur. These specimens have just been brought to England by Mr. Ross Macartney.[vii]
West Indies - Human Fossil Block
Just offshore of Guadeloupe, West Indies, lays a formation of limestone dated as Miocene, or about 25 million years old. Records show that in the late 1700’s many human skeletons, (indistinguishable from modern humans) were excavated from this deposit recorded as being a "British Mile" in length. One of the quarried specimens, ensconced in a 2-ton slab, was shipped to the British Museum and placed on public display in 1812. Later on, with the popularity of evolution, the slab was quietly removed to the basement. The discovery of these remains has been well documented in the scientific literature and witnessed by a number of authorities. Bill Cooper ‘Human fossils from Noah’s Flood’ Creation Ex Nihilo, 5 Jan. 1983 p. 119-153, and same ref. Vol. B 1990, p. 108-137.
[i] Mortillet, Gabriel La Pre Historic vol ii. 8, 3
[ii] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, 240.
[iii] From Mammoth vol ii. 8, 3
[iv] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, 65-72.
[v] Noted citation p. 179, 180
[vi] From Mammoth p. 221, citing Dupont, Etude sur les Caverns de la Lesse, October, 1865 p. 7
[vii] Nature, Nov. 192 1issue. 108, p. 371-372
In 1774, Esper published the discovery of a human jaw and shoulder-blade, along with remains of bears, hyenas and others; near Nuremberg.
Rosenmiiller relates in his 1804 memoir on the cave bear, documenting that human bones were found with a cave bear and cave tiger.[i]
A Professor Crahay [PH1] located a human lower jaw in the loess exposed in a cut opened for a canal dugout between the years 1815 and 1823. Along with the human remains were found a number of elephants, deer and oxen. The jaw-bone was later placed on display at the Leyden Museum and the find published in the Bulletin of the Belgian Academy in 1836.[ii]
M. Risso reported he had unearthed a large number of human bones from fissures near Nice, as disclosed to the French Academy on the geology of that place, many of these remains were sent to Cuvier for examination.
According to Howorth, M. Ami Bou'e reported to the Bulletin of Geol. Soc. of France that in 1829, he had made further discoveries of human remains in the clay at Krems, published in the "Annales des Sciences Naturelles," vol. xviii. Other discoveries were reported by Razoumofski at Baden near Vienna, that of human skulls in connection with extinct animals.
In 1828, Howorth reports the naturalist Tournal of the Museum at Narbonne published a report documenting the remains of extinct animals in the cave of Bize, that along with pottery and human remains. M. Marcel de Serres examined the artifacts and declared them of the same mineral condition as those of the extinct animals.[iii]
In 1829, speaking of the caverns of the Gard, France, M. Christol provided a general treatise regarding human remains from these caverns, published his discovery of human bones and pottery mixed with those of the hyena and rhinoceros in the Poudres cavern. Other discoveries of human remains were reported by M. Emilien Dumas at the cave Souvignargues, near Sommie'res (Gard), and also Dr. Pitore reported the same at Fanzan, near Gesseras (He'rault).
In 1833, M. Schmerling published the volume entitled "Recherches sur les ossements fossiles decouvertes dans les cavernes de la province de Liege," concerning his exhaustive excavations in Belgium. He also documented that the bones of man existed in precisely the same mineral condition as the hyena, cave bear, mammoth and rhinoceros antiquitatis. He states: "the human remains of most frequent occurrence being teeth detached from the jaws, and carpal, metacarpal, tarsal, metatarsal and phalangial bones separated from the rest of the skeleton."
In the cave at Engis, Schmerling also unearthed the remains of three individuals; one of the skulls was found by the side of a Mammoth's tooth, complete and buried in a breccia five feet deep. With them were several bones of a horse, reindeer and remains of a rhinoceros. These skulls were kept in the University of Liege. Human remains were found in other caves as well, this according to Sir Charles Lyell's reports on these discoveries, quoting him: "speaking generally, it may be said, the human bones, where any were met with, occurred at all depths in the cave mud and gravel, sometimes above and sometimes below those of the bear, elephant, rhinoceros, hyena, &c[PH2] . Breaking through the stalagmitic floor, bones and teeth of the cave bear and other animals which Schmerling had described were speedily discovered." Lyell further mentions that after several weeks' digging in the same locale, that Lyell's companion, Professor Malaise of Liege, found three fragments of a human skull and two perfect lower jaws with teeth, all associated the bones of bears, large pachyderms and ruminants, and so precisely resembling these in color and state of preservation, as to leave no doubt in his mind that man was contemporary with the extinct animals."[iv] [Edited for space]
In 1835 M. Marcel de Serres published his account of the bone filled caverns in France and elsewhere in Europe: "Essai sur les cavernes a ossemens."[v] Documenting eighteen individual locations where remains of extinct animals and that of man were found together, he tells us: "Il parait done bien etabli, soit d'apres ces faits, soit d'apres ceux que nous avons enumeres dans nos differents travaux, que 'homme a ete contemporain des especes perdues, dissemin£es avec ses debris, dans certaines."
M. Dupont mentions a great quantity of human remains found in state with land animals in one or more locations. From Trou du Frontal, he remarked that the bones of the thirteen human skeletons were found in inexpressible disorder. And speaking of the Trou de la Rosette, he says the occupants of this cave were "overwhelmed by a deluge." "It was," he says, "unanimously admitted that they had been mingled with the stones and earth by a great inundation."[vi] [Emphasis added]
In Honan, China, human remains were found in a deep loess deposit with the remains of the wild boar, the bison, and the mammoth.
In 1921 while men were working in a mine known as the “Bone Cave,” in Rhodesia, Africa a great number of fossilized and partly fossilized remains were unearthed, including the elephant, lion, rhinoceros, antelope, and human remains. An excerpt of the article reads: "Until lately no remains of the cave man himself have been noticed at Broken Hill, but at the end of last summer Mr. W. E. Barren was so fortunate as to discover and dig out of the earth in a remote part of the cave a nearly complete human skull, a fragment of the upper jaw of another, a sacrum, a tibia, and the two ends of a femur. These specimens have just been brought to England by Mr. Ross Macartney.[vii]
West Indies - Human Fossil Block
Just offshore of Guadeloupe, West Indies, lays a formation of limestone dated as Miocene, or about 25 million years old. Records show that in the late 1700’s many human skeletons, (indistinguishable from modern humans) were excavated from this deposit recorded as being a "British Mile" in length. One of the quarried specimens, ensconced in a 2-ton slab, was shipped to the British Museum and placed on public display in 1812. Later on, with the popularity of evolution, the slab was quietly removed to the basement. The discovery of these remains has been well documented in the scientific literature and witnessed by a number of authorities. Bill Cooper ‘Human fossils from Noah’s Flood’ Creation Ex Nihilo, 5 Jan. 1983 p. 119-153, and same ref. Vol. B 1990, p. 108-137.
[i] Mortillet, Gabriel La Pre Historic vol ii. 8, 3
[ii] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, 240.
[iii] From Mammoth vol ii. 8, 3
[iv] Lyell, Antiquity of Man, 65-72.
[v] Noted citation p. 179, 180
[vi] From Mammoth p. 221, citing Dupont, Etude sur les Caverns de la Lesse, October, 1865 p. 7
[vii] Nature, Nov. 192 1issue. 108, p. 371-372
In 1930, Dr. Mark Harrington found human remains together with the fossils of a now extinct ground sloth and extinct camel in a gypsum cave sixteen miles east of Las Vegas, Nevada.[i]
Minnesota Man Browns Valley, Minnesota
This skeleton of an adult male believed to have been between the age of twenty-five and forty years of age including artifacts were found in 1933. These have been determined to be from antiquity as reported by A.E. Jenks (1937). The remains were removed in the course of excavating a gravel pit below undisturbed humis and a layer of red ocre. Arrow points and more human remains were located and professionally excavated and suggest the site was 8,000 years or older. (Wormington 1957 p. 237) In 1933, William K. Jensen discovered a human skeleton in association with artifacts of recognized antiquity at Browns Valley, Traverse County, Minnesota. Again the geological evidence shows that the gravel ridge had been formed by the action of water. In 1935, J. C. McKinley discovered a human skull and other bones on the banks of the Cimarron River a little more than thirteen feet below the surface. In 1931 highway workers at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, uncovered an almost complete human skeleton at a depth of ten feet in so-called glacial silt. Experts agree that the geological evidence points to great antiquity of these remains [ii]
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Three miles north of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, on July 16, 1931 (Jenks, 1936) the first skeleton in North America was found that could be geologically dated and the deposits attributed to the Pleistocene. The almost complete skeleton associated with two artifacts was found at a depth of ten feet in glacial silts* unearthed by highway workers while digging a roadbed. The skeleton was later discovered to be a girl, estimated at fifteen years of age lying on her side, covered in uniform water deposited sediments. The artifacts that were found with the girl, a dagger or knife and a conch shell, gave no indication of age. The knife was eight to nine inches long made of elk antler and perforated at one end. The artifacts were found lying along the ribs and vertebrae in the abdominal area of the skeleton. The carbon content in the elk antler dagger was largely inorganic carbonate so, according to the researchers, it was not possible to determine its age. The degree of mineralization suggested antiquity. (Wilford, 1955)[iii] The clays were dated approximately eighteen to twenty thousand years old. Due to the dates given to the clay and on the basis of radiocarbon dating, most geologists regard the deposit as being less than eleven thousand years old.
*Author note: Finds such as these were typically identified as glacial. It seems obvious that this person perished in flooding, but no one witnessed how. It's unlikely that the child expired by drowning and was slowly covered in till yet remained intact.
Human skull found at Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
While excavating for a building project, scientists from Stanford discovered mastodon remains 22 feet below ground level near the campus. The observing scientists recalled earlier find of a modern human skull found by one Bruce Seymour, a Stanford University student, who found this skull twenty feet below the surface in the bank of San Francisquito Creek, at same depth and strata of the Mastodon. The skull was cemented in a gravel stratum on which an alluvial cone had been formed. Bailey Willis (a competent geologist that had worked closely with Hrdlicka*), visited the locality, and determined that a considerable period of time must have been required for the formation of the alluvial cone which overlay the gravel, and for the cutting of the present creek bed. He suggested that the skull might have been deposited more than 4,000 years ago. According to Wormington, Willis is a capable geologist, likely to be "extremely cautious in supporting claims for the antiquity of human remains." (Wormington 1957 ) The skull, which was studied by T. D. McCown (see Early Man in the New World, 1950), determined it was a "male between thirty-five and forty-five years old." The physical and chemical condition of the specimen made it appear unlikely that it could be very recent. Researchers discussing the implications quoted Dr. J.W. Gidley as stating: "If this mastodon is of the late Miocene are early Pliocene as D. Blackwelder says it is, that sets it (the skull) back some two or three million years. And we have no evidence man has been here that long."
Science, 69: supl. ii, Feb, 1 1929, Revisited by Robert F. Heizer (1950) and Corliss, William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 673 Including observations and comments from Wormington
*Ales Hrdlicka was first to pioneer the idea of "Neanderthal man" and the Asian migration to the America's. He also became a department head at the Smithsonian:
Illinois Man
In December of 1862, The Geologist reported: “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth. The bones were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.” The coal layer in which the skeleton was discovered is stated be over 250 million years old.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p. 454
New Orleans Man
The original report on this find, usually credited to D. B. Dowler, is by Prof. D. Drake, reads as follows: "In 1844 I visited two gas tanks, each 60 feet in diameter and 16 feet deep, recently sunk in the back part of the city [i. e., New Orleans], and received from the intelligent superintendent, Doctor Rogers, an account of what was met with in excavating them. At first they encountered soil and soft river mud, then harder laminated blue alluvion, then deep black mold resting on wet bluish quicksand. The roots and the basis or stumps of no fewer than four successive growths (or stacks) of trees, apparently cypress, were found standing at different elevations. The first had a diameter of 2 feet 6 inches, the second of 6 feet, the third of 4 feet, and the fourth of 12 feet, at a short distance up, with a base of 28 feet for the roots. It is embedded in a soft deep-black mold. When cut with the spade much of this wood resembled cheese in texture, but hardened on drying. At the depth of 7 and 16 feet burnt wood was met with. No shells or bones of land animals or fish were observed, but in a tank previously excavated, at the depth of 16 feet the skeleton of a man was found. The cranium lay between the roots of a tree and was in a tolerable state of preservation, but most of the other bones crumbled on pressure. A small ossilium, which I saw, indicated the female sex.* [iv]
*Note: A similar "buried forest" is found near the shores of New Jersey, where for years loggers extracted the timbers of huge trees, they flattened to a horizontal state from some earlier watery catastrophe. Such buried forests also exist along the central Oregon coast near Pacific City.
Charleston, North Carolina Man
Emil Schmidt, in his Zur Urgeschichte Nordamerikas gives nearly all that is known concerning these specimens. It appears that Prof. F. S. Holmes, geologist and paleontologist, of Charleston, while exploring the banks of the Ashley River about 10 miles above the city, discovered human bones, fragments of pottery, etc., together with the bones of the mastodon. Professor Leidy, who was sent by the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences to examine the locality, actually found human bones associated with those of the mastodon, but there appeared in the same connection also a fragment of porcelain. Later, in following his investigations in the same region, Professor Holmes discovered further evidences of the coexistence of man with extinct animals; these were particularly a human lower jaw, a tibia, a femur, some stone implements, and potsherds, which were dug out personally from an undisturbed old deposit. The lower jaw was that of an adolescent, and showed a prominent chin and strong muscular impressions; the teeth were normal. The femur also showed strong development. It seems that Professor Holmes has never published his account of the finds just mentioned, and there is consequently but little to aid us in the effort to reach a conclusion. Schmidt was inclined to accede to the opinion that the bones were geologically ancient, and suggested that they belonged to a man of the Champlain period. This view cannot be sustained in the absence of more definite information. Chemical and detailed physical characteristics of the skeletal parts are wanting, and the fate of the bones is unknown. They are not in the Charleston Museum.[v]
Quebec Man
According to Doctor Usher a fossil human skeleton, "which was dug out of the solid schist-rock on which the citadel stands," was preserved in the museum at Quebec. There are no particulars in print concerning the find; the skeleton is not preserved in the Laval University Museum, the only museum in the city containing objects of natural history, and nothing could be learned concerning it during the writer's recent visit to Quebec. The absurdity of the statement that a human skeleton was " dug out of the solid schist- rock" will be apparent when it is remembered that the rock is Silurian.*
*Note, Silurian Rock is considered to be over 300 million year of age.
W. Usher, Geology and Paleontology in Connection with Human Origins, chap, xl, Nott and Gliddon's Types of Mankind.
The Rock Bluff Cranium, Ill.
The specimen known as the Rock Bluff skull was reported on by Meigs," Schmidt,'' and Kollmann," and its claim to geological antiquity is based mainly on certain remarks found in Schmidt's account. According to Meigs, the skull was found, with a lower jaw in June, 1800, in a fissure of the rock, at Rock Bluff, on the Illinois river where it is crossed by the fortieth parallel. In this bed, which apparently had been undisturbed since the deposit, was found the skull under consideration, at the depth of 3 feet. In his letter of June 4, 1866: "I have sent to you by express a small box containing a human skull of an unusual shape and formation. It is evidently not deformed, but a natural skull, and from its shape and the place where it was found it is believed not to have belonged to any race of men now known to exist, and it is conjectured it may have belonged to a pre-adamite race, if there was any such race. I have never met with such a formed head, either living or dead, as this, and for this reason I send it to you, supposing from your opportunities in this branch of science you might determine if I am right in supposing this specimen not to have belonged to any one of the present races now extant." Hrdlika remarks that: "Morphologically, the skull is quite remarkable." He then goes on to discredit its antiquity and unique features, a position he takes throughout the entire document. Examination showed that it had evidently been thrown, or washed, into that opening in the rock with the material that surrounded it. Schmidt ends his account with the opinion that the age of the two specimens is very considerable.
Natchez, Mississippi
In 1846, near Natchez, Mississippi, (site of the Great Earthquake of 1811) Dr. M. W. Dickeson unearthed a fragmentary human pelvis a bed of loess-covered blue clay. In the same bed were found the remains of a sloth, mastodon, horse and a big-horned bison. Fluorine tests conducted on these remains indicated that the human bone and one sloth's were of approximately the same age. A human hand was also unearthed in the same deposit. [vi]
Los Angeles Skeletons
In 1914, a complete human skeleton, animal bones and artifacts were found in a Los Angeles area tar pit. Later in 1924, at Angeles Mesa, six skeletons were found (Heizer, 1950), at depths of nineteen to twenty-three feet below the surface. Later, more finds surfaced as part of the excavation in 1936 while workmen were digging a storm drain beneath the Los Angeles River. This find revealed more human bones, including a partial human cranium and seven fragments of other bones at depths of twelve to thirteen feet below grade. The bones and cranium were mineralized and coated heavily with sandstone and conglomerate. Extinct animal bones were also discovered two months later in the same stratum. A. Lopatin, of the University of Southern California excavated two teeth later identified as those from an Imperial Mammoth. The geologic study of the associated stratum was conducted by Thomas Clements, a well known geologist who concluded they were of Pleistocene age. (Wormington 1957)
Tranquility, California
Gordon Hewes reported in a 1946 finding of multiple skeletons along with artifacts and bones of extinct horse and camel. On the basis of chemical analysis, these mineralized remains appeared to be approximately the same age as the extinct animals. (Heizer and Cook, 1952). This find was never published in the literature.
Torrington, Wyoming
Four skeletons were discovered near Torrington, Wyoming and according to W. W. Howells (1938). The skeletons closely resemble those found at Lake Pelican. Unfortunately these bones were found during blasting activities but apparently were entombed in a sealed cave opened in the excavation process. Upon further investigation, the remains were determined to be that of an adult male, two females of differing ages, and an infant. It was stated that the remains and artifacts resembled many other such finds across the continent in their condition of covering and ethnicity.[vii]
Sauk Valley Man
A skeleton was found in a gravel pit near Sulk Valley, Minnesota by workers carving off an overhang of a gravel face. It is believed the skeleton might indicate considerable antiquity due to the depth and the presence of the limonitic gravel. This find received considerable attention of archeologists (Jenks and Willford 1938), due to the age of the deposits that encased the remains, which was left undetermined. Bryan and McCan thought that the surrounding strata suggested that the environment at the time was warm and humid, unlike today. (Wormington 1957 p. 238)
Tepexpan Man
In the Valley of Mexico near Tepexpan, an interesting find of human skeletal remains were unearthed. (De Terra, Romero and Steward, 1949) The skeleton was found face down with the legs drawn up to the stomach. De Terra’s conclusion was that the person had met an accidental death and the body had rested face downward in the mud. The silts where the skeleton was found were also associated with mammoth remains (encased in the same material) and worked obsidian. De Terra dated the formation around nine to ten thousand years old. Tests of the surrounding peat produced a radiocarbon date of 11,000 plus or minus 500 years of age.
Turin, Iowa Skeletons
In August 1955, Asa Johnston discovered a human skull while bulldozing in a commercial gravel pit near Turin, IA. This find was unearthed in the process in removing gravel deposits and loess at "considerable depth." A few weeks later, a second skull was discovered, this one encased in a large block of loess lying in a flexed position on the left side. An official excavation was done after a third skull was found, which began at the top of the cliff and continued fifteen feet below the surface to the point where the skeleton lay. An adolescent hand was found buried in a flexed position on the left side of the pit. Also found was the skeleton of an infant, buried in the same position. Representatives from several Universities were called in to excavate the site. The remains were transported to the University of Iowa under the direction of Reynold Ruppe with Weldon Frankforter of Stanford in witness. At this writing, the author was unable to locate any official report on the find, including the geological information dating the age of the strata surrounding these remains. The position of the skeletons does not indicate a graveyard burial, but a site of catastrophic water-borne covering.
Texas finds and Midland Man
The “Midland Man” was actually a female. In 1953, Keith Glasscock recovered artifacts and human remains in a grey sand "blow out" near Midland, TX. The finds were located below 5 layers of water deposited sediments, totaling nearly sixty feet of overburden. The skeletal remains, parts of a skull and two fragmentary ribs are though to be the oldest in North America - the location named the Scharbauer site after the property owner. Remains of extinct antelope, horse, mammoth and bison were found with the subject. A number of arrow points were also found. Chemical analysis of the bones showed the human and animal remains were contemporary of each other. Here again we have a sedimentary waterborne deposit, containing human remains, found to be buried at a time period closely associated with other such finds in North America. In addition, the team mentioned that the skull was of the elongated type, as found in other Texas excavations buried catastrophically in water borne tombs.
Also in Texas, skeletons with very long, narrow heads were unearthed in number. The subject was of considerable study and comment by Hooton, 1933**; Roberts, 1945***; and Woodbury, 1935. The remains were found in deeply buried silts (water deposits), but are little mentioned or publicized. (Wormington 1957)*
*Note: Skulls of similar appearance have been found and are on display in Peru.
** "Notes on Five Texas Crania Vol. 5 p. 25-39
*** "Deep Burial in the Clear Fork of the Brazos River" Vol. 13 p. 9-30
[i] Rehwinkel, Alfred M., M.A., B.D., LL.D. (1968-05-04). The Flood: In the Light of the Bible, Geology, and Archaeology (Gr 9-10 1951 1957) Concordia Publishing House.
[ii] Wormington, Hannah . Ancient Man in North America, Peerless Pub, 1957 p. 232
[iii] Cited from Wormington, Ancient Man in North America 1957 Wilford, Lloyd A. 1955 American Antiquity, vol XXI no. 2 p. 130-142
[iv] Hrdlicka, Ales bulletin 33, A Systematic Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America, etc., 76-77, Cincinnati, 1850
[v] Emil Schmidt, Zur Urgeschichte Nordamerikas A.rch. f. Anthrop., v, 250 et seq., 1871-72
[vi] Hrdlicka, Ales bulletin 33, Skeletal Remains in North America 1907 p. 16
[vii] Howells, W. W. "Crania resembling Minnesota Man American Antiquity, vol II no. 1 p. 318-326
Excerpts from The Noah Code Copywrite 2014 All rights reserved
In 1930, Dr. Mark Harrington found human remains together with the fossils of a now extinct ground sloth and extinct camel in a gypsum cave sixteen miles east of Las Vegas, Nevada.[i]
Minnesota Man Browns Valley, Minnesota
This skeleton of an adult male believed to have been between the age of twenty-five and forty years of age including artifacts were found in 1933. These have been determined to be from antiquity as reported by A.E. Jenks (1937). The remains were removed in the course of excavating a gravel pit below undisturbed humis and a layer of red ocre. Arrow points and more human remains were located and professionally excavated and suggest the site was 8,000 years or older. (Wormington 1957 p. 237) In 1933, William K. Jensen discovered a human skeleton in association with artifacts of recognized antiquity at Browns Valley, Traverse County, Minnesota. Again the geological evidence shows that the gravel ridge had been formed by the action of water. In 1935, J. C. McKinley discovered a human skull and other bones on the banks of the Cimarron River a little more than thirteen feet below the surface. In 1931 highway workers at Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, uncovered an almost complete human skeleton at a depth of ten feet in so-called glacial silt. Experts agree that the geological evidence points to great antiquity of these remains [ii]
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Three miles north of Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, on July 16, 1931 (Jenks, 1936) the first skeleton in North America was found that could be geologically dated and the deposits attributed to the Pleistocene. The almost complete skeleton associated with two artifacts was found at a depth of ten feet in glacial silts* unearthed by highway workers while digging a roadbed. The skeleton was later discovered to be a girl, estimated at fifteen years of age lying on her side, covered in uniform water deposited sediments. The artifacts that were found with the girl, a dagger or knife and a conch shell, gave no indication of age. The knife was eight to nine inches long made of elk antler and perforated at one end. The artifacts were found lying along the ribs and vertebrae in the abdominal area of the skeleton. The carbon content in the elk antler dagger was largely inorganic carbonate so, according to the researchers, it was not possible to determine its age. The degree of mineralization suggested antiquity. (Wilford, 1955)[iii] The clays were dated approximately eighteen to twenty thousand years old. Due to the dates given to the clay and on the basis of radiocarbon dating, most geologists regard the deposit as being less than eleven thousand years old.
*Author note: Finds such as these were typically identified as glacial. It seems obvious that this person perished in flooding, but no one witnessed how. It's unlikely that the child expired by drowning and was slowly covered in till yet remained intact.
Human skull found at Stanford, Menlo Park, CA
While excavating for a building project, scientists from Stanford discovered mastodon remains 22 feet below ground level near the campus. The observing scientists recalled earlier find of a modern human skull found by one Bruce Seymour, a Stanford University student, who found this skull twenty feet below the surface in the bank of San Francisquito Creek, at same depth and strata of the Mastodon. The skull was cemented in a gravel stratum on which an alluvial cone had been formed. Bailey Willis (a competent geologist that had worked closely with Hrdlicka*), visited the locality, and determined that a considerable period of time must have been required for the formation of the alluvial cone which overlay the gravel, and for the cutting of the present creek bed. He suggested that the skull might have been deposited more than 4,000 years ago. According to Wormington, Willis is a capable geologist, likely to be "extremely cautious in supporting claims for the antiquity of human remains." (Wormington 1957 ) The skull, which was studied by T. D. McCown (see Early Man in the New World, 1950), determined it was a "male between thirty-five and forty-five years old." The physical and chemical condition of the specimen made it appear unlikely that it could be very recent. Researchers discussing the implications quoted Dr. J.W. Gidley as stating: "If this mastodon is of the late Miocene are early Pliocene as D. Blackwelder says it is, that sets it (the skull) back some two or three million years. And we have no evidence man has been here that long."
Science, 69: supl. ii, Feb, 1 1929, Revisited by Robert F. Heizer (1950) and Corliss, William R. Handbook of Geological Enigma's Sourcebook Project 1980 p. 673 Including observations and comments from Wormington
*Ales Hrdlicka was first to pioneer the idea of "Neanderthal man" and the Asian migration to the America's. He also became a department head at the Smithsonian:
Illinois Man
In December of 1862, The Geologist reported: “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a man were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the earth. The bones were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.” The coal layer in which the skeleton was discovered is stated be over 250 million years old.
Cremo, Michael A.; Thompson, Richard L. Forbidden Archaeology Torchlight Press 2011 p. 454
New Orleans Man
The original report on this find, usually credited to D. B. Dowler, is by Prof. D. Drake, reads as follows: "In 1844 I visited two gas tanks, each 60 feet in diameter and 16 feet deep, recently sunk in the back part of the city [i. e., New Orleans], and received from the intelligent superintendent, Doctor Rogers, an account of what was met with in excavating them. At first they encountered soil and soft river mud, then harder laminated blue alluvion, then deep black mold resting on wet bluish quicksand. The roots and the basis or stumps of no fewer than four successive growths (or stacks) of trees, apparently cypress, were found standing at different elevations. The first had a diameter of 2 feet 6 inches, the second of 6 feet, the third of 4 feet, and the fourth of 12 feet, at a short distance up, with a base of 28 feet for the roots. It is embedded in a soft deep-black mold. When cut with the spade much of this wood resembled cheese in texture, but hardened on drying. At the depth of 7 and 16 feet burnt wood was met with. No shells or bones of land animals or fish were observed, but in a tank previously excavated, at the depth of 16 feet the skeleton of a man was found. The cranium lay between the roots of a tree and was in a tolerable state of preservation, but most of the other bones crumbled on pressure. A small ossilium, which I saw, indicated the female sex.* [iv]
*Note: A similar "buried forest" is found near the shores of New Jersey, where for years loggers extracted the timbers of huge trees, they flattened to a horizontal state from some earlier watery catastrophe. Such buried forests also exist along the central Oregon coast near Pacific City.
Charleston, North Carolina Man
Emil Schmidt, in his Zur Urgeschichte Nordamerikas gives nearly all that is known concerning these specimens. It appears that Prof. F. S. Holmes, geologist and paleontologist, of Charleston, while exploring the banks of the Ashley River about 10 miles above the city, discovered human bones, fragments of pottery, etc., together with the bones of the mastodon. Professor Leidy, who was sent by the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences to examine the locality, actually found human bones associated with those of the mastodon, but there appeared in the same connection also a fragment of porcelain. Later, in following his investigations in the same region, Professor Holmes discovered further evidences of the coexistence of man with extinct animals; these were particularly a human lower jaw, a tibia, a femur, some stone implements, and potsherds, which were dug out personally from an undisturbed old deposit. The lower jaw was that of an adolescent, and showed a prominent chin and strong muscular impressions; the teeth were normal. The femur also showed strong development. It seems that Professor Holmes has never published his account of the finds just mentioned, and there is consequently but little to aid us in the effort to reach a conclusion. Schmidt was inclined to accede to the opinion that the bones were geologically ancient, and suggested that they belonged to a man of the Champlain period. This view cannot be sustained in the absence of more definite information. Chemical and detailed physical characteristics of the skeletal parts are wanting, and the fate of the bones is unknown. They are not in the Charleston Museum.[v]
Quebec Man
According to Doctor Usher a fossil human skeleton, "which was dug out of the solid schist-rock on which the citadel stands," was preserved in the museum at Quebec. There are no particulars in print concerning the find; the skeleton is not preserved in the Laval University Museum, the only museum in the city containing objects of natural history, and nothing could be learned concerning it during the writer's recent visit to Quebec. The absurdity of the statement that a human skeleton was " dug out of the solid schist- rock" will be apparent when it is remembered that the rock is Silurian.*
*Note, Silurian Rock is considered to be over 300 million year of age.
W. Usher, Geology and Paleontology in Connection with Human Origins, chap, xl, Nott and Gliddon's Types of Mankind.
The Rock Bluff Cranium, Ill.
The specimen known as the Rock Bluff skull was reported on by Meigs," Schmidt,'' and Kollmann," and its claim to geological antiquity is based mainly on certain remarks found in Schmidt's account. According to Meigs, the skull was found, with a lower jaw in June, 1800, in a fissure of the rock, at Rock Bluff, on the Illinois river where it is crossed by the fortieth parallel. In this bed, which apparently had been undisturbed since the deposit, was found the skull under consideration, at the depth of 3 feet. In his letter of June 4, 1866: "I have sent to you by express a small box containing a human skull of an unusual shape and formation. It is evidently not deformed, but a natural skull, and from its shape and the place where it was found it is believed not to have belonged to any race of men now known to exist, and it is conjectured it may have belonged to a pre-adamite race, if there was any such race. I have never met with such a formed head, either living or dead, as this, and for this reason I send it to you, supposing from your opportunities in this branch of science you might determine if I am right in supposing this specimen not to have belonged to any one of the present races now extant." Hrdlika remarks that: "Morphologically, the skull is quite remarkable." He then goes on to discredit its antiquity and unique features, a position he takes throughout the entire document. Examination showed that it had evidently been thrown, or washed, into that opening in the rock with the material that surrounded it. Schmidt ends his account with the opinion that the age of the two specimens is very considerable.
Natchez, Mississippi
In 1846, near Natchez, Mississippi, (site of the Great Earthquake of 1811) Dr. M. W. Dickeson unearthed a fragmentary human pelvis a bed of loess-covered blue clay. In the same bed were found the remains of a sloth, mastodon, horse and a big-horned bison. Fluorine tests conducted on these remains indicated that the human bone and one sloth's were of approximately the same age. A human hand was also unearthed in the same deposit. [vi]
Los Angeles Skeletons
In 1914, a complete human skeleton, animal bones and artifacts were found in a Los Angeles area tar pit. Later in 1924, at Angeles Mesa, six skeletons were found (Heizer, 1950), at depths of nineteen to twenty-three feet below the surface. Later, more finds surfaced as part of the excavation in 1936 while workmen were digging a storm drain beneath the Los Angeles River. This find revealed more human bones, including a partial human cranium and seven fragments of other bones at depths of twelve to thirteen feet below grade. The bones and cranium were mineralized and coated heavily with sandstone and conglomerate. Extinct animal bones were also discovered two months later in the same stratum. A. Lopatin, of the University of Southern California excavated two teeth later identified as those from an Imperial Mammoth. The geologic study of the associated stratum was conducted by Thomas Clements, a well known geologist who concluded they were of Pleistocene age. (Wormington 1957)
Tranquility, California
Gordon Hewes reported in a 1946 finding of multiple skeletons along with artifacts and bones of extinct horse and camel. On the basis of chemical analysis, these mineralized remains appeared to be approximately the same age as the extinct animals. (Heizer and Cook, 1952). This find was never published in the literature.
Torrington, Wyoming
Four skeletons were discovered near Torrington, Wyoming and according to W. W. Howells (1938). The skeletons closely resemble those found at Lake Pelican. Unfortunately these bones were found during blasting activities but apparently were entombed in a sealed cave opened in the excavation process. Upon further investigation, the remains were determined to be that of an adult male, two females of differing ages, and an infant. It was stated that the remains and artifacts resembled many other such finds across the continent in their condition of covering and ethnicity.[vii]
Sauk Valley Man
A skeleton was found in a gravel pit near Sulk Valley, Minnesota by workers carving off an overhang of a gravel face. It is believed the skeleton might indicate considerable antiquity due to the depth and the presence of the limonitic gravel. This find received considerable attention of archeologists (Jenks and Willford 1938), due to the age of the deposits that encased the remains, which was left undetermined. Bryan and McCan thought that the surrounding strata suggested that the environment at the time was warm and humid, unlike today. (Wormington 1957 p. 238)
Tepexpan Man
In the Valley of Mexico near Tepexpan, an interesting find of human skeletal remains were unearthed. (De Terra, Romero and Steward, 1949) The skeleton was found face down with the legs drawn up to the stomach. De Terra’s conclusion was that the person had met an accidental death and the body had rested face downward in the mud. The silts where the skeleton was found were also associated with mammoth remains (encased in the same material) and worked obsidian. De Terra dated the formation around nine to ten thousand years old. Tests of the surrounding peat produced a radiocarbon date of 11,000 plus or minus 500 years of age.
Turin, Iowa Skeletons
In August 1955, Asa Johnston discovered a human skull while bulldozing in a commercial gravel pit near Turin, IA. This find was unearthed in the process in removing gravel deposits and loess at "considerable depth." A few weeks later, a second skull was discovered, this one encased in a large block of loess lying in a flexed position on the left side. An official excavation was done after a third skull was found, which began at the top of the cliff and continued fifteen feet below the surface to the point where the skeleton lay. An adolescent hand was found buried in a flexed position on the left side of the pit. Also found was the skeleton of an infant, buried in the same position. Representatives from several Universities were called in to excavate the site. The remains were transported to the University of Iowa under the direction of Reynold Ruppe with Weldon Frankforter of Stanford in witness. At this writing, the author was unable to locate any official report on the find, including the geological information dating the age of the strata surrounding these remains. The position of the skeletons does not indicate a graveyard burial, but a site of catastrophic water-borne covering.
Texas finds and Midland Man
The “Midland Man” was actually a female. In 1953, Keith Glasscock recovered artifacts and human remains in a grey sand "blow out" near Midland, TX. The finds were located below 5 layers of water deposited sediments, totaling nearly sixty feet of overburden. The skeletal remains, parts of a skull and two fragmentary ribs are though to be the oldest in North America - the location named the Scharbauer site after the property owner. Remains of extinct antelope, horse, mammoth and bison were found with the subject. A number of arrow points were also found. Chemical analysis of the bones showed the human and animal remains were contemporary of each other. Here again we have a sedimentary waterborne deposit, containing human remains, found to be buried at a time period closely associated with other such finds in North America. In addition, the team mentioned that the skull was of the elongated type, as found in other Texas excavations buried catastrophically in water borne tombs.
Also in Texas, skeletons with very long, narrow heads were unearthed in number. The subject was of considerable study and comment by Hooton, 1933**; Roberts, 1945***; and Woodbury, 1935. The remains were found in deeply buried silts (water deposits), but are little mentioned or publicized. (Wormington 1957)*
*Note: Skulls of similar appearance have been found and are on display in Peru.
** "Notes on Five Texas Crania Vol. 5 p. 25-39
*** "Deep Burial in the Clear Fork of the Brazos River" Vol. 13 p. 9-30
[i] Rehwinkel, Alfred M., M.A., B.D., LL.D. (1968-05-04). The Flood: In the Light of the Bible, Geology, and Archaeology (Gr 9-10 1951 1957) Concordia Publishing House.
[ii] Wormington, Hannah . Ancient Man in North America, Peerless Pub, 1957 p. 232
[iii] Cited from Wormington, Ancient Man in North America 1957 Wilford, Lloyd A. 1955 American Antiquity, vol XXI no. 2 p. 130-142
[iv] Hrdlicka, Ales bulletin 33, A Systematic Treatise on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America, etc., 76-77, Cincinnati, 1850
[v] Emil Schmidt, Zur Urgeschichte Nordamerikas A.rch. f. Anthrop., v, 250 et seq., 1871-72
[vi] Hrdlicka, Ales bulletin 33, Skeletal Remains in North America 1907 p. 16
[vii] Howells, W. W. "Crania resembling Minnesota Man American Antiquity, vol II no. 1 p. 318-326
Excerpts from The Noah Code Copywrite 2014 All rights reserved
Dmanisi Skeletal finds of Georgia Republic - 2013
Here we have the excavation of multiple and complete skeletal remains from a formation dated 2 million years past. The sensation for the anthropologists being these include complete skulls, unlike the fragments used to construct the entire evolutionary human tree from Africa, now upturned with this new evidence, and evidence not unsupportive of the Bible narrative. British Paleoanthropologist Fred Spoor argues that the methods of analysis used by the team in the new study were not sufficient as they [did] “a very general shape analysis of the cranium which describes the shape of the face and braincase in broad sweeping terms,” and according to Spoor the “problem is that those Homo species are not defined using such a broad overview of what their general cranial shape is." As for the Dmanisi specimens, an earlier study described the postcranial remains as having “derived features” that, “include modern-human-like body proportions and lower limb morphology, (human length arms) indicative of the capability for long-distance travel.” Spoor maintains [that the] “Dmanisi individuals seem to have long legs and short arms based on the fossils that have been found.” These very different from the “relatively long arms still adapted for climbing in Homo habilis.”
Concerning the skulls themselves, Peter Lime from CMI states: "If a ‘modern’ human with cretinism can have many pathological features that mimic the so-called ‘primitive’ features of evolution, it is highly likely that a ‘robust’ human with cretinism will have as many, if not even more such features. Cretinism may also explain the large morphological variability in the Dmanisi sample. That is because the bones of cretins are enormously variable, “as would be expected in a pathology with different degrees of affect, and conflation with associated conditions.” It is interesting that a lack of chin and a “large jaw compared with the rest of the skull” has been documented in one cretin skull (Dolega), as a large jaw (compared with the cranium) is a feature of Dmanisi Skull 5.[i] As this controversy continues in a context where pro-evolutionary interpretations dominate, we can be sure to find more telling facts as time goes on regarding this find.*
*CNN interview with Fred Spoor ▶ Shaking up evolutionary models - YouTube
At this juncture, we will end our tour of the human graveyards; hopefully providing the reader ample evidence with this small treatise. These finds conclusively demonstrating that the destruction of life in the course of the flood was general, and in fact was inclusive of humans as reported so thoroughly by so many authorities of the past.
At War with the Animals?
Its generally true that of the early North American human artifacts, are often associated with weapons and arrow points. A perplexing thought is this: when we recall the decrees' given by God in early Genesis, speaking only of a vegetarian based food sustenance; "for to you this shall be your food" (Genesis 1:28) and the acknowledged use of agriculture in those times, one must wonder; what happened? Why is man found every where with a spear in hand? The intent of the First Earth was to be a bloodless co-habitation of man and animals. However, what is generally determined from these relics both in Europe and America seems to be nothing less that man was at war with the animals.
As earlier mentioned, the Bible teaches that as part of judgment man will be driven to live in caves. Perhaps an earlier rebellion forced him to live in nomadic existence and constant warfare. The Bible provides few details of life in the years leading up to the Flood, only that the people had digressed morally to a point where they thought only of "only evil continually." Among the flood traditions in appendix II, we learned more details concerning this period, when law and order in society apparently vanished from the earth. The point to be made is this: the remains we examine exist in the present and cannot tell their full tale.
If we remember that the earth was first shaken by the opening of the great deep, and we may assume this means earthquakes struck the planet, possibly in magnitudes and frequencies never before experienced. Assuming this being the case, with rain falling in Typhoon proportions and all available shelter destroyed; where else would the survivors go? It would be reasonable to assume most would flee to the caves as their last option to escape, both man and animal. The sad conclusion being that the people and these fearsome beasts would likely perish together in savage struggles, as so often indicated in the caves. The evidence for such constantly prevails in the excavations covered in this volume; suggesting the observed evidence actually represents a short period frozen in time, a mere snap-shot of the life and death struggle for survival within the first weeks of the Flood year. If this be the case, modern archeology and paleontology would be entirely in error relative to their stories about early life, lacking or possibly ignoring this perspective. So it would appear early man lived in such a state constantly; but the in actual fact this was not the case at all. Fires in caves would be an obvious response, all souls being soaked and cold due to the rain and resultant lower temperatures, the surviving populace completely unprepared for these conditions, especially after the comfortable environment in the First Earth.
As demonstrated in earlier chapters, the evidence strongly supports that there were two distinct classes of man occupying earth in this period, each widely separated in technology, the arts, and existence (hunter's/gatherer verses herdsman/farmer). Also mentioned was the warring between these sides, as clearly mentioned in the book of 1 Enoch, culminating in the decree given by God to imprison the responsible, destroy the guilty and notify Noah of the pending Flood. To this end, I will leave the reader to their own conclusions, the detailed evidence available to construct a full history of those days being in poverty; save the scant biblical record and those of a few sentences from other sources left for us to ponder. In view of this, it seems to the author God wanted those times left forgotten, we cannot blame Him for that.
[i] CMI Peter Lime 10-29-2013
Excerpts from The Noah Code Copywrite 2014 & 2017 All Rights Reserved
Here we have the excavation of multiple and complete skeletal remains from a formation dated 2 million years past. The sensation for the anthropologists being these include complete skulls, unlike the fragments used to construct the entire evolutionary human tree from Africa, now upturned with this new evidence, and evidence not unsupportive of the Bible narrative. British Paleoanthropologist Fred Spoor argues that the methods of analysis used by the team in the new study were not sufficient as they [did] “a very general shape analysis of the cranium which describes the shape of the face and braincase in broad sweeping terms,” and according to Spoor the “problem is that those Homo species are not defined using such a broad overview of what their general cranial shape is." As for the Dmanisi specimens, an earlier study described the postcranial remains as having “derived features” that, “include modern-human-like body proportions and lower limb morphology, (human length arms) indicative of the capability for long-distance travel.” Spoor maintains [that the] “Dmanisi individuals seem to have long legs and short arms based on the fossils that have been found.” These very different from the “relatively long arms still adapted for climbing in Homo habilis.”
Concerning the skulls themselves, Peter Lime from CMI states: "If a ‘modern’ human with cretinism can have many pathological features that mimic the so-called ‘primitive’ features of evolution, it is highly likely that a ‘robust’ human with cretinism will have as many, if not even more such features. Cretinism may also explain the large morphological variability in the Dmanisi sample. That is because the bones of cretins are enormously variable, “as would be expected in a pathology with different degrees of affect, and conflation with associated conditions.” It is interesting that a lack of chin and a “large jaw compared with the rest of the skull” has been documented in one cretin skull (Dolega), as a large jaw (compared with the cranium) is a feature of Dmanisi Skull 5.[i] As this controversy continues in a context where pro-evolutionary interpretations dominate, we can be sure to find more telling facts as time goes on regarding this find.*
*CNN interview with Fred Spoor ▶ Shaking up evolutionary models - YouTube
At this juncture, we will end our tour of the human graveyards; hopefully providing the reader ample evidence with this small treatise. These finds conclusively demonstrating that the destruction of life in the course of the flood was general, and in fact was inclusive of humans as reported so thoroughly by so many authorities of the past.
At War with the Animals?
Its generally true that of the early North American human artifacts, are often associated with weapons and arrow points. A perplexing thought is this: when we recall the decrees' given by God in early Genesis, speaking only of a vegetarian based food sustenance; "for to you this shall be your food" (Genesis 1:28) and the acknowledged use of agriculture in those times, one must wonder; what happened? Why is man found every where with a spear in hand? The intent of the First Earth was to be a bloodless co-habitation of man and animals. However, what is generally determined from these relics both in Europe and America seems to be nothing less that man was at war with the animals.
As earlier mentioned, the Bible teaches that as part of judgment man will be driven to live in caves. Perhaps an earlier rebellion forced him to live in nomadic existence and constant warfare. The Bible provides few details of life in the years leading up to the Flood, only that the people had digressed morally to a point where they thought only of "only evil continually." Among the flood traditions in appendix II, we learned more details concerning this period, when law and order in society apparently vanished from the earth. The point to be made is this: the remains we examine exist in the present and cannot tell their full tale.
If we remember that the earth was first shaken by the opening of the great deep, and we may assume this means earthquakes struck the planet, possibly in magnitudes and frequencies never before experienced. Assuming this being the case, with rain falling in Typhoon proportions and all available shelter destroyed; where else would the survivors go? It would be reasonable to assume most would flee to the caves as their last option to escape, both man and animal. The sad conclusion being that the people and these fearsome beasts would likely perish together in savage struggles, as so often indicated in the caves. The evidence for such constantly prevails in the excavations covered in this volume; suggesting the observed evidence actually represents a short period frozen in time, a mere snap-shot of the life and death struggle for survival within the first weeks of the Flood year. If this be the case, modern archeology and paleontology would be entirely in error relative to their stories about early life, lacking or possibly ignoring this perspective. So it would appear early man lived in such a state constantly; but the in actual fact this was not the case at all. Fires in caves would be an obvious response, all souls being soaked and cold due to the rain and resultant lower temperatures, the surviving populace completely unprepared for these conditions, especially after the comfortable environment in the First Earth.
As demonstrated in earlier chapters, the evidence strongly supports that there were two distinct classes of man occupying earth in this period, each widely separated in technology, the arts, and existence (hunter's/gatherer verses herdsman/farmer). Also mentioned was the warring between these sides, as clearly mentioned in the book of 1 Enoch, culminating in the decree given by God to imprison the responsible, destroy the guilty and notify Noah of the pending Flood. To this end, I will leave the reader to their own conclusions, the detailed evidence available to construct a full history of those days being in poverty; save the scant biblical record and those of a few sentences from other sources left for us to ponder. In view of this, it seems to the author God wanted those times left forgotten, we cannot blame Him for that.
[i] CMI Peter Lime 10-29-2013
Excerpts from The Noah Code Copywrite 2014 & 2017 All Rights Reserved